28 - Argue With Kirby

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The five were walking back through the forest, when Catra heard a faint laugh from behind her.

She spun around, to find no one there.

And when she turned around again, the others were gone.

Her heart pounded as she frantically looked around.

'Mav?! Adora?! Bow?! Sparkles!? Anyone!?' She twisted and tripped as she searched everywhere for them.

But it was the feeling of something slimy wrapping around her waist, pinning her arms against her.

She immediately looked down, to see snake like tendrils of smoke and slime pulling her to the ground.

She screamed as she fought to escape the creatures hold, but it was stronger than her. In a matter of moments, the sunlight was vague, and disappearing agonisingly slowly.



The magicats eyes were groggy as she blinked.

'Twinkle toes...? Where are..?'

'Not sure. Basically, you just froze, the others were confused, I told them to go on, we would catch up. Than you passed out, and I don't know how to get out of this maze of a place' Glimmer explained, her voice turning to a whine as she finished.

'I......I can get us out. But the way I know is a last resort, what about your light show here-and-there thing? Teleportation, I think its called?'

'I ran out, and I need to get back home to recharge...wait why am I telling you this?'

'Oh....So I have no choice....Listen up glitter bomb, what you learn from what I am about to do, stays between us, okay?'

'Yeah, yeah, I'll keep your secret. what is it anyway? what, is it like she-ra has a magical enemy transformer princess?' Glimmer rolled her eyes

Catra cringed.

'I mean...yes? Okay...here it goes....' And she transformed in a shimmering burst of light.

Glimmer gasped, and her cheeks reddened upon sight of the magicat warrior goddess.

'C'mon' Catra held out a clawed hand to Glimmer, whos eyes shine in admiration.

A moment later, the two are soaring over Halfmoons palace, swiftly gliding past turrets, watchtowers, avoiding the metal railing of the battlements, etc.

Glimmers hatred for Catra had dissolved when the princess had gotten her out of that Freyja forsaken forest, but the sight seeing was doing nicely too.

'This is beautiful' She whispered.

'I know, this is the first time I have ever gone around Halfmoon during this time of day. Usually I go out in early hours, when everyone is still asleep' Catra agreed.

She dove for the floor-to-roof open window of the guard barracks.

They went tumbling inside, as Catra hadn't managed a good landing, but the two ended up in a heap with a young guard, who Catra recognised as Anika Fordwell.

'Apologies' Glimmer snorted as she crawled away from the pile, only to find out that her leg was entangled with Catras hair.

'Really?! You need to get a haircut!' Glimmer groaned im exasperation.

'You need to get rid of your leg! Stop blaming my hair!'

'Furball choker!'

'Glitter shitter!'


'Substance abusing Candyfloss!'

'Psycho behind a cute facade!'

'Hah! Thats coming from Kirby with sparkle bombs!'



'Comatose sister!'



'Pinkie pie!'

The two continued screeching insults at each other until the door swung open to reveal C'yra and Angella.

Both princesses paled.

C'yra didn't punish her.

The whole event was hilarious in her eyes, but Angella grounded Glimmer for two months, which filled Catra with glee.

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