S3 - Shift in heart

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'HOLY shit!'

Adora drops her spoon and looks up at the perpetrator of the exclamation.

Lonnie and Rogelio are huddled around a newspaper, their faces enlined in exaggerated surprise.

'What happened?! Any news about Glimmer and the others?!' Adora frets.

'No, sorry. But Sailineus is currently suffering a perilous drought. How the hell does that work?!' Lonnie divulges, expression confused.

'But isn't the whole ordeal with Sailineus based around the ocean? Its practically an island kingdom, right?' Kyle took a seat next to Adora.

The four sit in nervous silence.

'Does Mermista know?' Adora adds after a moment..

'Definitely. Everyone does now. Except maybe Catra and the girl.' Lonnie admits.

Another undisturbed silence.

Kyle shuffles closer to the newspaper, frowning as he reads over the thick writing.

Adora thinks back to Catra.

Where was she now? Why did she leave? Why did she take the other two?

A seed of fear begins to grow in her gut.

What if she had gone back to the Horde?

It was unlikely, but the chance was still there.

Catra had never officially left the Horde. Never did anything to prove her innocence. It could be a guise.

It gnawed at her.

'Adora? Are you alright?'

She blinks back into reality.

'Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just....just thinking.'


Avena leaned against the arch.

She was inside the clock structure, a tall tower overlooking the training grounds.

Her golden eyes were focused, sharply drawn to the sight below.

Catra was sparing with one of the knights of Elisia. Avena could not believe her skill.

Her every move was made in grace and elegance, twisting and practically dancing through the spar.

Like mother's dancing, Avena though to herself.

She squinted her eyes, watching her granddaughter swing her blade in a high arch and bringing it back down to stop mere inches from her opponents side.

She was talented, that much Avena can tell.

But what irks the leader of Elisia was what Catra was asking.

Catra is powerful, a phonemonon, and yet, she needs a witchy old lady's help. Desperately.

It gnawed at Avena.

It strangely reminded her of a past student, someone who had pleaded with her for help in a helpless cause.

Avena recalled turning them away, scorned and hurt.

And what was it with her wards being drawn to light? First, Light Spinner, then Catra.

She groans and leans back against the arched beam.

She yearned to know what Catra needed so much, what made her drop everything to work toward earning help.

It almost made her nervous.

'My lady?'

Avena didn't need to look to see that Payam was shifting foot to foot in the doorway.

'Lieutenant Payam. Any news?'

'Umm.....Sailineus is suffering a drought. A massive tsunami wiped out 1/3 of Plumeria's population. There's a series of supernatural storms on their way to Brightmoon. Earthquakes are happening more and more frequently. Avena, something is happening. But I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.' His voice trembled as he spoke, his tone taking on a grim case.

Avena's grip tightens in the railing of the arch tower.

'Payam. Fetch the files on The Great War. I need them. Now.'

Payam's blue eyes widen. 'The Great War?! But that was thirty years ago?! What does it have to do with these?!' He rushes forward, wrapping his arms around himself.

'It won't be long until you know, Payam. Not long until the entire table of Hemera is complete and all will know.' Avena's voice is smooth and sure.

He takes a few shuffling steps back, eyes targeted off of the edge of the tower.

'I'll get the files now, my lady.' And he was gone.

Avena swallows and looks back from into the distance. Her heart tightens in her chest at what she sees.

First Sailineus. Then Plumeria. Now Elisia.

A massive grey thunderstorm clouds in the distance, gaining on them with ascending mania.

Her head spun. The last time this had happened, the worst of all things had been unleashed upon them.

The Great War.

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