14 - Marigold

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Pressured lungs.

Distant screaming.

Catra eyes slowly opened upon the sound of wood hitting wood.

She was still chained to the floor. And at this point, her captor was keeping her weak. By starving her and limiting her to a pearl drop of water a day and depriving her of sunlight.

She scanned the room again.

Still, nothing.

She didn't know how long passed, but just when she was nodding off again, someone nudged her awake.

she blinked, and her head shot up to meet his eyes.

He was dressed in purple, and his dark hair was streaked with grey.

He undid the chains, while frowning at the red marks swelling around her wrists, then pulled her to her feet.

'W-who are you..?' Her voice was weak and crow-like from dehydration and lack of use.

'Doesn't matter. I just need to get you to safety. whats your name?'


His pupils slitted, but he shook it inside, and ushered her out of the captors camp.

Once they were far enough away, and Catras legs ached, he stopped, and handed her a compass with a few little dots.

'Here. I know you're not alone on this island. Those dots are people, and this-' His finger then hovered over a miniscule area of tiny parchment coloured shapes. '-Is the Puca's, your captor's, camp. I must go now. Farewell ' He dropped a small black and silver charm into her hand, and disappeared into the forest.

She slipped them into the secret pocket of her bodice, and began moving forward.

After what felt like an eternity of travelling, she stumbled forward.

She fell. Not on the ground, but through something equivalent to an oversized rabbit hole.

She spun and turned through the air, then landed with a weak thud on a metal platform. Luckily, her dress cushioned her fall.

The last thing she saw before she blacked out was the flickering of an orange-gold light.


Queen C'yra slashed through the thick trees.

Amato, Aeris and Shadow Weaver trekked behind her.

So far, nothing but a few near-death experiences had dazzled the group. Nothing interesting.

Until, Shadow Weaver gasped and pointed toward the sky.

Their eyes followed her fingers, and they were all surprised at the golden glow exploding again and again like repeating fireworks.

'What in Catlenes name...' Amato trailed off.

Aeris squealed and danced in a circle. 'Lord Cattus! Gata always told me that his powers would be divulged in a way no one would ever expect! a light show!'

Not even Shadow Weaver bothered to dismiss the young princess' exclaimation.

'Maybe we should settle for the night, my legs are killing me' Amato yawned.

C'yra reluctantly agreed. Her worry for her daughter made her chest ache in fear of the scary possibilities.

But as she lay on the ground, with Aeris' head against her chest, and amatos arms wrapped protectively around them both, she allowed her fears to abate, and her eyes fluttered shut.


Micah sat by his campfire.

He was about to go to sleep, when a glowing trail of flames appeared across the sky.

His eyes followed the trail.

It took him a moment to realise that it was a cluster of marigolds made of pure, raw magic.

He stared.


Puca cursed under his breath.

His prisoner had escaped.

He was so distraught, that he was blind to the flash of orange that flicked through the tent opening.


Deep underground, magic pulsed through beast island.

Brown leaves flutted apart, revealing a marigold sprouting.

It grew like it was sped up to full speed, until a fully blooming flower tilted out of the cubby hole.


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