S3 - The grief and the run

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THE halls of Hell's palace were dimly lit.

This little fact was what irritated Circe as she made her way through the place in search of Rhys.

Mount Ruination grumbled in the distance, and a few minor tremors shook the palace.

Circe hissed, a sharp pain tearing across her lungs.

Damn you and your clumsiness, Freyja!

'Lady Circe?'

Rhys stands in the corridor archway. His dark hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail. His hollow face shimmering silver in the eternal moonlight that illuminates that one section of the corridor. A confused expression.

'Lord Rhys.' She gives him a tight lipped smile.

'May I ask why an intelligent Goddess such as yourself is dawdling around the land of the dead?' He crosses his arms and his brows furrow.

Circe bares her fangs at him. He does not react.

'Oh alright! My apprentice is in trouble. And I needed to ensure her safety, and I can't exactly go to Moros about this, because he will exaggerate it too much!' She groans, shaking her head.

'Who is your apprentice?' Rhys taps his foot and stares out the window.

'Catra. Protector of Humanity and High Queen of the Morn and the Light. Mage of the First Order of Fate. And uhh...I lost count of her titles. Oh! She's also Imperial Empress of Purrsia.'

Rhys raises one immaculately groomed brow at her. Clearly impressed by such a lady

'How old is she? 49?' He offers.

Circe grins.

'21. She was 20 when I met her properly for the first time.' She says smugly.

His face is reminiscent of pikachu.

'My Lord!'

The occult beings turn to a little maidservant dressed in strips of emerald green and coal black satin.

Her bulbous eyes glossy like glass in the moonlight.

'Zoya. What is it you want, you needy creature?' Rhys drops down into a squat to mimic the maidservant's laughable lack of height.

'Err...I was told to inform you that an utterly colossal sized tsunami wiped out 57% of the Crimson Wastes and the Frightzone's population exactly twenty-three minutes ago.'

Rhys and Circe both go rigid.

'What?! How could this happen?! So soon after the tales tarnish!?' Circe exclaims, hand grasping at her ebony curls.

'What in Dagda's name do you mean, Circe.?' Rhys snarls.

'That's what I was trying to tell you! Freyja made a massive error, and now we all have to pay! She accidentally set us toward total, inescapable, ineffable, death!' The goddess cries out, ichor spattering to the floor from her lips. Her hands clasped over her heart.


Rhys dives down, catching her as she collapses.

He shoves Zoya aside as he gets to his feet once again, the goddess unconscious in his arms, and sets off in a sprint down the halls of his palace.

Her ichor cascades down his arm, dripping down and leaving little gold droplets on the carpet.

He barely hears the rush of whispers as he slams through room after room.

Finally, he arrives within his chambers. Where the healers have been over the past few days.

They see the unmoving form of Circe and usher Rhys to lay her gently onto the bed.

'M-My lord!!' Zoya comes sprinting in behind him.

But she doesn't get any time to speak as Circe is tended to. And so she gives up.


Catra and her companions left Gaia and made their way to the city Square early that morning.

When they arrive, they find it rundown and almost ancient.

Except for one thing.

A guillotine still dripping with blood is situated in the direct centre of the square, elevated on a stone platform.

And as far as Catra was aware, Guillotines had been ruled forbidden following her mother's claim to the throne.

But what tugged on her curiosity, was why the people of Aziphyia would need one in the first place.

'Well that's illegal.' Aeris announced, pointing toward it's gleaming blade.

'I wonder what they used it for.' Glimmer ponders.

'I think maybe beheading people.' Aeris replies brightly.

'Maybe. But they have axes here too. Then again though, a scripture I saw on the way here said they went right through people's heads rather then necks.' Glimmer adds.

'I wonder what the last thing going through the victims head was.' Aeris said, wondering what kind of final thought she herself would have it if were her.

'Probably a blade. Now c'mon, we need to inspect it closer.' Catra deadpans.

They amble closer to the Guillotine, interested by its existence and use.

That is, until they come across a silver plack drilled in to the side of th4 Guillotine.

By declaration of the 9th House of Aziphiyas senate,
All followers of the Aethan Religon will be beheaded
If found within the borders of our grand city.
We are free people. We do not fall under the rule
Of Halfmoon's high Empress.

'What?!!?' Catra exclaims, terror roping through her veins.

'If you two are found out, then you'll be beheaded.' Glimmer looks between the magicats.

'Well shit.' Aeris muttered, and this time she was not scolded.

'Aethan? Is that what you call our many delightful gods? Myself included, obviously.' Catra snorted.

'You are such a delight.' Glimmer mutters sarcastically.

'I'm perfectly aware of what I am.' The Empress counters smugly.

Arris rolls her eyes, and steps away from the Guillotine. Her left ear twitched.

'We need to go.' She muttered, begin to tremble.

'Why?' Glimmer frowned.

That's when Catra heard.

The clatter of armor. The thud of guns rubbing against leather. The bang of footsteps.

The next moment, they were cornered.

Aziphyia's forces swarmed the streets. Advanced weapons were directed at them.

'We can sense the Aethan!! Which of you is it? A long term worshipper....a DEVIL!!' One guard roars.

Catra shares a horrified look with Glimmer.

'It's me. My name is Aeris Lavinia Blightshade. These two are innocent! They didn't know what I believe in!' Aeris yells suddenly, throwing her hands up in surrender.

Catra's heart drops.

Her vision darkens and blurs. She cannot thread a single thought together. Her skin feels clammy and tight. Her ribs too jagged. Life too quick.

In a surge of frantic panic and sisterly love, she rushes forward and hugs Aeris tightly.

'¡No! ¡No lo permitiré! ¡Aeris, no puedes hacer esto! ¡No puedes dejarme!' Catra sobs, as Aeris fights against her embrace.

'Catra. I want you to say goodbye for me. That's it.' Aeris grabs her by the shoulders, bottom lip quivering as she speaks.

Glimmer is frozen in place.

Guards swarm them, and Aeris is hauled away without a fight. Despite Catra's screams and yells.

Glimmer restrains her once she has regained her ability to move.

And with the last of her energy, she teleports herself and Catra away.

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