22 - The Eastern Ring

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Catras eyes fluttered open.

Amato sat by her bed, and was reading quiety.

‘A…Amato…?’ She whispers weakly.

‘Catra..? Oh Moros! You're awake! Naeva! Get C'yra!!!’ Amato jumps from his seat excitedly.

A few hours later, Catra has been visited by everyone, and she went to take a stroll in the garden.

She thought back to something odd that had happened earlier.

A soldier, dressed in purple and black had appeared, claiming that ‘King Chajl Of the East’ had requested him.

She remembered Amatos face fall solemn.

She hadn't seen him since.

Catra was never going to admit to being worried, so a simple ‘Shut up!’ Was her excuse.

‘Thought I would find you here'

She turns to find Queen C'yra standing a few feet behind her.

‘C'yra’ She swallows nervously and curtseys

‘Hey Catra…..I know about the Penthraea’ The Queen is practically whispering.

‘I….I'm sorry….I believed I could fix it on my own, shadow Weaver and Hordak were right, I am not as smart a person as I want to believe-’


C'yras firm yet soft tone causes her rambling to stop.

‘A smart person isn't someone who can come up with a solution and do it with no problem. A smart person takes into consideration their feelings while also trying their best to solve the problem at hand, Catra, This isn't something that you can tackle on your own. Confess, and fix the rift between you and your beloved. I trust you, Cub, please, speak with her.’

Catra is shocked into silence. But after a moment of pondering, she speaks up.

‘O-okay…could I invite three people from Brightmoon to the upcoming revel? One is….One of them I have….romantic feelings toward, and the other two won't let her go alone.’

‘Of course, cub, anything else you want to talk about?’ C'yra smiles.

‘Well….what does King Chajl need to talk to Amato about?’

C'yra went rigid.

‘He spoke to….Chajl?’

‘Yes..? Can you explain?’

Catra was immediately worried she had crossed a taboo, but C'yra just took a deep breath and met her eyes again.

‘Years ago, massive war was in play in the East. Your father, was an acquaintance of Chajl, but that all changed one day.

King Chajl, was given a magical ring, called “The Jewel Of Namir”, which bestowed the owner the ability to control those who sign a special contract.

Amato signed the contract.

Because, back then, we had another daughter. Beatrice. Chajl put both of our lives on the line, and Amato being as desperate to protect us as he is, immediately signed the contract.

We were safe. Until Beatrice began to show flares of magic.

Magic at this point, was banished in the land. You could not find a magic user anywhere in these lands. As most of our culture had been made illegal.

Anyways, One night, I was reading Beatrice a bed time story, when I heard loud knocking on the doors. The kings men had arrived.

I asked the maids were Amato was, and learnt that he was with them.

I hid Beatrice, in the hopes that if I died, she would live on.

But when the guards were inside. Amato was….not himself.

His eyes, were a bloody crimson. He attacked me upon sight. Strangling me.

I blasted him away in a non-harmful way, and crawled to the otherside of the room. And for a moment, he was himself again.

That didn't last long.

He lunged at me, but stopped in his tracks when he heard Beatrice whispering to her teddy bear from her place in the doorway.

She had left her safe space.

Amato, completely consumed in the trance, attacked her. She managed to dodge it, being incredibly impressive for a child of nine years old. But unfortunately, he delivered the final killing blow. And our daughter died instantly.

Immediately after, he was broken from his trance, and fell to his knees. Sobbing, and holding her to his chest.

We grieved for weeks on end.

I didn't, and to this day, do not blame Amato. He was spellbound by that awful ring, forced to murder his own flesh and blood.

He still blames himself.

But do you know what is even worse? I, Queen C'yra D'riluth Of Halfmoon, am the spawn of Queen Avena, and…. King Chajl. Who is being kept in Telrianti, the most secure prison in all of Purrsia. Ever since I decieved him, took to the throne and snatched his position of the High ruler of the magicat court, by pretending to wish for him to teach me magic, which only he and the approvels were allowed to use, managed to trick him into giving me….’

C'yra raises her hand daintily, and Catras eyes widen. Between the wedding ring, and engagement ring the Queen wore, was a silver band. With a large pink crystal embedded into the middle, with the insignia of Namir carved into it.

‘This familiys history is certainly something’ Catra blurts out.

C'yra laughs quietly. ‘It certainly is’

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