31 - Forgivable Bonds

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The bedroom door opens.

Catra scrambles to a defensive stance, claws unsheathed, tail wacking the bedpost.

C'yra stands in the doorway, looking concerned.

'I think we need to talk about yesterday ' The empress sighs.

'You didn't want me. You still don't.' Catra hisses.

'That isn't true. What makes you believe that?'

'I heard what you said yesterday! And Chajl told me how I ended up in the Horde!'

Catra hates how she chokes on her words, as if she is weak.

'Oh Catra...I wasn't talking about you, I was referencing to the traitor in the war against Brightmoon! Wait...You spoke to Chajl!?!?' C'yra exclaims.


'Catra, you ended up in the Horde because of Queen Angella.' The empress changes the subject, taking Catras hand gently.


'Thats a story for another time....For now, lets just stay like this...' C'yras tone has softened considerably, as she steps forward and holds Catra close.

The younger magicat didn't speak, just allowed it to happen.

'-And these are our runestones, the bloodstone, the Carnelian, and the Serpentine.'

'We have three?! How?!' Catra gasps.

'Because we magicats are creatures of Xaliaon. It was a twin planet, Krytis, was the other.' Amato explains.

Woah, Magicats must be powerful, take that, Shadow Weaver!

'The next full moon is at the end of this week, you'll be able to connect with them then.' Amato yawns dramatically, then suddenly smirks.

'Oh no! My awakeness is depleting on me!' He exclaims, before falling back onto Catra, knocking them both to the ground.

'Ahh! Are old men always this heavy!?' She hisses and bites at air, while Amato pretends to sleep, by making loud fake snores.

She attempts to shove him off.

'You're crushing me!' She groans.

He laughs, and nuzzles against her hair, causing her to let out a shriek of disapproval and a strong push.

'What? Cat got your tongue?' He teases when she doesn't speak.

She hisses, and they roll over twice. But Catra still ends up pinned.

'Ugh! Are you always this annoying!?'

'That, he is'

She looks up to see C'yra in the doorway, smirking as she watched the two pounce playfully at each other, light taunts flying from both.

The duo eventually are breathless, and both lean back against the Serpentine tiredly. Catra, half asleep, allows her head to fall against Amatos shoulder. And for a moment, everything is calm.

'Your royal Excellency? Emperor Amato, the scouts have spotted Pucas soldiers in the south, You and the head of the guard are requested to join in case of battle.' A young soldier stumbles into a kneeling position, head bowed.

'Thank you, Anu, but no need for formalities, kiddo' Amato smiles and ruffles the young guards hair.

'Catra? Not over yet. Tomorrow, When I return victorious, we will have to continue this, tomorrow, Okay, Kitten?' He grins.

Catra nods with a wide smile, fangs showing.

The next morning, Catra gets C'yra to teleport her to Brightmoon.

From there, Catra collects Glimmer and Bow, as she promised them and Adora a proper tour of Halfmoon at some time.

So now seemed perfect.

Glimmer and Catra arged good-naturedly argued as Catra led them down the rocky tunnel. This was as far as C'yra would teleport them, no further, as to keep their whereabouts on Beast island a secret, and no closer, so they could see the paintings on the walls.

But as they were approaching the imperial castle gardens, which sat directly at the entrance of Halfmoon, they noticed a dark blob running towards them.

As it got closer, Catras heart lept at the realisation that it was Aeris, she had woken up!

But as her younger sister became clearer, her heart dropped.

Aeris' eyes were bloodshot. Tears streamed down her face. and she was calling out to Catra while in hysteria.

Something had gone very, very, wrong.

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