12 - Compass

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Queen C'yra paces Brightmoons war room.

The alliance sit at the table, feeling incredibly nervous about this meeting in particular.

Angella sat at the head of the table, her brow furrowed in concern.

'You want to go to... Malevik Forest? That place is about twenty times worse then anywhere else on Beast island!' She gaped, her calm voice turning to nearly yelling.

'Yup. Puca isn't Shadow Weaver. His every move has been analysed, calculated and thought over a million times. Puca doesn't want fame, or power. He wants bloodshed, terror, carnage. annihilation. He won't stop until Purrsia has been burnt to the ground. and noa that he knows where Pantherna is, my nation is in grave danger' C'yra hissed out her reply, her eyes narrowing at Angella.

The winged queen sighed, and swallowed.

'Alright. You can take Shadow Weaver, as long as she wears the tinical cuffs, Juliet, and if she agrees, My sister in law, Castaspella'

'I know Casta. Lucky for me, a week before we left the Capital, Fajr was teaching Catra and Aeris in the workshop, and the tinical cuffs they used as demonstration are still there, I'll be back at twilight'

And with that, the alliance watched the magicat queen disappear in a cloud of violet.


Amato watched C'yra carefully as she paced their shared chambers.

He knew she was worried and afraid for Catra, by the slight tension in her shoulders, the distinctive shallow tone to her breaths, the swallowing every few minutes, the twitch of her ears, and the movements of her tail.

He lept down from the window, and onto her back. He had his arms wrapped around her shoulders, and his legs around her waist.

''Really Ato?'

He can tell her mood has improved by a smidge. 'I'm coming too. Catra is my daughter as much as she yours'

'Then I get to come as well. What are you going to do? Leave me here alone?'

The two looked up to see one yellow and one green eye staring at them from the doorway. Aeris. Damn Aeris.

'Kitten, this is dangerous-'

'No. I'm not going to be treated like a child any longer. I am fourteen years old, and a D'riluth. I am too stubborn to die!' Aeris declared.

'I'm staying in felinta to make sure the protective boarder stays strong!' Lyric calls over her sisters shoulder as she waltzed down the corridor outside of the room.

'I...fine. Aeris, you can come. But, You will listen to everything we tell you, okay? If you get hurt or...or worse, I could never forgive myself for letting you come' C'yra decides.

'who is going to be temporary ruling?' Amato suddenly asked.

'My sister, Ci'ka, I spoke to her about it earlier.'

'When do we leave?' Aeris smiled, jumping up and down in excitement, blissfully unaware of the danger she was putting herself in.

'Tomorrow morning. first thing. Eat well, sleep long.' C'yra said.

'And..?' Amato trailed off

'Ut Compassio, Ut honestus, et fortis Passioni deditus' The other two spoke in union, the hint of a smile lighting up C'yras face.

'Now, Aeris. Its bed time, Naeva will check on you soon.' Amato practically shooed her away.

'As much as I love her, I need some time for freedom ' Amato yawned.

'Agreed.' C'yra nods earnestly.

A few minutes later, Amato is holding C'yra as they attempt to get some kind of sleep before the mission the next day.


'Yuh huh?'

'What if something happens..?'

'What'd you mean?'

'What if...what is something happens to us tomorrow. What will happen to Aeris...?'

'I.....I don't know'

'Nor do I'

'Amato, as much as your brain adores making you overthink, My nerves are already frayed. lets sleep'

Seconds pass, and he feels her quiet snoring. He too begins to nod off, but one question burned into his mind.

What if they were too late?

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