2 - Bim Bam Glitter Glam

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Mystacor was shiny. Too shiny.

But Catra behaves, for once. C'yra took her straight to Castaspella, who was confused when C'yra first spoke in Spanish, but quickly fixed the problem by switching to Etherian.

Then, Castaspella dragged Catra into a strange laboratory like room that made her think of Entrapta and Hordak.

She obeyed Casta, and stripped down to her undergarments, and stepping onto a circular platform. A blue, tube like thing came down around her, and a glowy red line scanned her.

The tube went up again, and she quickly pulled on the tunic and trousers she had been wearing. Then, Casta, with her permission, pricked her finger with a needle, and caught the droplet of blood in a small metal container.

Then, Catra had to wait on the bench while C'yra and Casta went over some private together.

She felt odd. for understandable reasons.

Since she had woken up that morning, so much had happened. she had been taken in by people of her own kind, after being abandoned to drown at beast islands coast by the Horde, then, she had met the Empress and made new friends, now whatever this was.

So much was happening, and she wasn't sure what to think or do, or how to act.

She hoped things would get easier as time progressed. Lyrics words played on repeat in her head like a kind of affirmative song.

“You will be great! “

She smiled to herself.

‘Alright, we're ready to go!’

Catra looked up to see C'yra leaning on the door. Another moment later, they poofed back to Halfmoon.

‘never do that again' Catra groaned, bile building in her throat.

‘Sorry!’ C'yra sang with a smile. Amato peeked into the lavish courtyard, and a moment later the two royals had run away, whispering like two teenagers gossiping.

Catra sighed, and lay back on the grass. She felt deranged.

Throughout the whole procedure with twinkle toe’s fairy feet aunt, she had had this odd, bubbling rage barely concealed beneath her skin. She couldn't quite explain it, and she didn't know the reason.

Suddenly, she heard faint music. Like a ukulele, there was a banjo, and bongos there too. It was coming from outside.

She gave multiple great big leaps, and gracefully landed on the roof.

She perched dangerously on the edge, and watched, mesmerized, at the sight below her.

It was sunset, and a festival was in full flock. Paper lanterns crisscrossed across the bustling street, lined with stalls and all other kinds of things. Banners were hung from the walls, dancers did their job on a platform in the middle of the street, and she could smell delicous foods sizzling on the barbecues below.

‘Pretty, isn't it?’

She nearly fell in shock.

Amato sat beside her, one knee pulled up, which his arms rested on, and his emerald eyes were glazed over with contentness at the sight he could see.

‘Umm…yeah…I've never seen anything so…so carefree’ She whispers, feeling like she could trust him.

Her eyes land on a storyteller, who is making symbols with his hands as he tells a story. One moment, his hands symbolise a butterfly, the next its a rabbit. The list goes on. some repeating. Others didn't.

‘I'm guessing the Horde weren't keen on happiness’ Amato scoffed inwardly.

‘You could say that…’ Catra looks up as she hears an unfamiliar sound, and gasps, as a brilliant light show sprung to life right before her eyes.

But as shes staring, enchanted by the lights, Amato hands her a beef shish kebab. She stares at it with her brow furrowed, until he motions to her that it was food.

The taste nearly blew her mind.

Her eyes travelled back to the light show, but she continues eating like she hasn't eaten her whole life. which makes sense, seeing as Ration bars were like eating cement caked in vinegar.

When the light show finished, fireworks took its place.

Amato smiled, as Catra danced across the roof of the ancient china style palace, laughing with utter joy and freedom. Colourful lights whirred in the sky behind her, as she spun and danced. The music flowed, and the childlike sparkle Catra had lost years ago, finally returned in her mismatched eyes at this very moment.

Amato smiled, and raised his camera, and took a photo of the dancing girl. He could tell that this was her very first proper, free day of happiness, with nothing left to worry about. And he was hoping to savour this moment forever, even if it were just a picture.



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