Chapter 5: That Time of the Year

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Wow, the herbs have grown beautifully..." you muttered with a smile as you stared at the plants. Looking around, you also observed the growing fruits and vegetables that Satoshi was responsible of. Each and every ingredient was as colourful and fresh. And the chickens were doing a great job laying their eggs, which you were also responsible in collecting and use them for breakfast.

As for your herbs, you grew all kinds you can. Rosemary, basil, oregano, chives, parsley, mint, cilantro, thyme, tarragon, peppermint, ginger, lemon verbena, bay laurel, you name it! And whenever you or Satoshi wanted to cook something, you freshly grind your spices, which in result gave a massive boost to the aroma of both your cooking!

But you still needed more ingredients. However, at the same time, you thought that it would be tiring considering that there's literally only 3 people in the whole building. You and Satoshi helped Fumio-San sweep and wipe the floors and staircase and windows to remove all the unwanted dust and cobwebs. Same thing with the kitchen, as you took notes of what kind of things that you can bring from the grocery store later on.

The first few weeks were pretty hectic for you! But the 'Polar Star' dormitory looked better than ever.

Plucking some herbs you needed in a small basket, the strong scent of the plants burst through your nose, making you let out a breath of satisfaction.

"Yeah, you did a great job planting them, (Y/N)" you heard Satoshi from behind. The brown-haired boy was plucking some tomatoes, lemons, and some other ingredients for today. You've gotten closer with him every day as you would either spend the night in his room or your room laughing and eating snacks you both made.

Though Fumio-San wasn't all happy with all the ruckus you both make, she once said through the mic that if any of you screamed or laughed too loud, she'll shove her foot down your throats.

That's lovely...

Anyways, while you got along perfectly fine with Satoshi, you didn't make any progress getting along with Terunori. He's been ignoring you even when you are partners with him in some cooking classes, and only gives orders to you when it comes to cooking. But other than that, you never existed to him. The multicolour-haired boy treats you like some vermin, or something nasty that he tasted and he keeps spitting it out.

It angered you, and you wanted to tell him off. But there was a voice inside your head that keeps saying that it'll be pointless. However, you kept ignoring that voice. You wouldn't let Terunori treat you like trash while you didn't do anything wrong.

After the bell rang, it was now lunch time. You grabbed your bento box and went to the dining hall. With wide eyes, you were amazed at how large and spacious it was.

"Wow, Totsuki is really amazing...I'd probably get lost in it if I didn't know the place well" you mused, frowning.

Looking around, you scanned the place in hope you could find Satoshi anywhere. He's so far the only person you know since you've entered the academy. After a few agonizing minutes of searching, you finally spotted the brown-haired boy sitting at one of the tables with three other students.

When you got closer, Satoshi noticed you and waved, which you returned with a smile. But as quick the smile appeared; it vanished as soon as you found out who he was sitting with.

Kinokuni Nene, the girl who Satoshi grew up with. Etsuya Eizan, the creepy guy who was Satoshi's partner in some cooking classes. And finally, Kuga Terunori.

"H-Hello..." you spoke, nervously. "Hey, (Y/N), glad you're here. Grab a seat" Satoshi said, smiling. You did as you were told and sat next to Nene, who was in the middle, and on her right was Satoshi.

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