Chapter 71: Future Plans

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(3rd Person's POV)

As the party went on, you decided to take a little break and get some fresh air outside the dormitory. You sat on the staircase, inhaling the clear air as you stared at the full moon with a content smile.

It was now time to think about your future.

Obviously, you'd help your family at the diner, but at the same time, you wished that you could keep cooking with Kuga and his team since you had so much fun doing that. You've also gained so much knowledge and skills in the 'Chinese Cuisine' just as much as the 'Japanese Cuisine'.

"Maybe I should try and write a good recipe book of my own and publish it" you mused, seeming to like that idea.

"So, you ran off again?" you softly gasped and turned your head and Kuga sat next to you with a drink in his hand.

"Oh, I just wanted some fresh air, and think about stuff" you replied, the boy nodded silently. "Hey, Teru...What're you going to do once you graduate?" you asked.

"Hmm...Well, I'm going to start my own business, of course. I've got plans that'll go well as I open my restaurant" he answered, smiling proudly.

"Really? So when are you going to open?" you tilted your head to the side.

"Right after graduation. The building is almost finished, and the interior design is just fascinating! My choice, of course" he grinned, which shocked you.

"A-Already?!" you asked, almost screaming.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Isn't your boyfriend just great? Isn't he? Isn't he? Isn't he??" Kuga was like a little kid hooked on sugar at the moment.

"Y-Yeah...Wow, everyone's already had plans on what to do after graduating, and I just started thinking about writing my own recipe book and sell it!" you huffed your cheeks.

"A recipe book?" Kuga looked at you with an amused expression. "Yeah, I thought that I should do something of my own besides helping my parents with our restaurant. Is it a bad idea?" you meekly looked at him.

"Actually, it's not. I'll even help you choose which dishes you can put in that book" he winked, and your cheeks were like two cherry tomatoes as you smiled widely. "Really?? Thanks, Teru!".

"Thanks nothing, where's my kiss?!" he demanded, you giggled and stared at him before you thought about something that made you smirk deviously. "Hmmm...And where do you want that kiss?" you twirled your hair with your finger.

"Are you kidding me right now? Right here!" Kuga glared at you before pointing at his lips. "Oh? You mean here?" you kissed his cheek.

"What? No! Here!" he pointed at his lips again.

"Here?" you kissed his other cheek. "No!" he huffed his cheeks.

"No? So, here?" you kissed his forehead. Kuga was starting to feel frustrated as he let out a groan, "Stop teasing me, (Y/N)-Chin".

"Tease you? Why would I tease you?" you played innocent, blinking several times as you act all cutesy. Kuga raised his brows as just realized what you were doing, "Oh...So, that's how you wanna play".

"I don't know what you're talking ab-...Ah!" you squeaked as Kuga suddenly bit your earlobe, then pushed you back and hovered over you, pinning your hands on top of your head.

You stared in shock at the multi-color haired boy who had a dark expression, his wine eyes full of mischief. Did you go too far teasing him?

Kuga leaned in and put his lips near your ear again, "If you want to play, then let's play~". His raspy voice and hot breath made your body shiver with excitement as if you had just got electrocuted by a machine to bring you back to life!

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