Chapter 53: Mortals Vs. Immortals

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(3rd Person's POV)

"The final battle will be an even match between two teams of eight!" Urara stated.

"What's up? I'm here to take back my seat!" Kuga said, gleefully. Meanwhile, the audience were shocked to see Erina in the rebel's team.

"Hello, Erina. I trust you've been well?" Azami asked. "Yes, father" Erina answered, plainly.

"First, let the teams come to an agreement as to how many should face off in one round!" Urara continued.

"How about three per round?" Erina suggested.

"Very well" Azami agreed.

"That was fast! Let's have both teams select the three chefs who'll compete in the first round!".

"Isshiki-Senpai! We've been expelled! We also failed Mochiduki-Senpai!" this time, Yuki cried while hugging Satoshi. You sighed and furrowed your brows, "I told you guys it's okay".

"If you lose this round, even you'll get expelled" Ryoko added, frowning. Satoshi then looked at her. "That's not a real reason not to fight. I'm here for my beloved kohais" he said.

"Isshiki-Senpai!" Yuki's eyes sparkled. "Wait! Mochiduki-Senpai is not going to fight??" she looked at you.

You crossed your arms and glared up at Satoshi, "Well, apparently, I'm staying with you guys. Since both teams are equal, I guess there's no need for me to fight".

"Haha, well, I've got backup plans in case I'm unable to win" Satoshi giggled. "Huh?" Yuki stared up at her Senpai.

"Let's start a farm together! I've already identified several potential locations. I made arrangements to have our produce featured on an online organic produce site. We'll start small-scale. We'll post a lot of social media savvy photos. As for uniforms..." Satoshi kept rambling about his farming plans.

"M-Mochiduki-Senpaaaaii!!" Yuki looked at you with teary eyes begging for help.

"Satoshi, I think your farming plans are...a few matches ahead of us" you remarked, smiling softly.

"Alright! You ex-students here!" Urara pointed at the rebels, she then put on her overly cutesy face. "There are special seats for you!".

Suddenly, you found yourself inside a cage with the rest, making you look around with wide eyes.

"THIS IS JUST A PRISON!" Yuki shouted with crossed arms. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Shoji yelled. "WHAT'RE WE SUPPOSED TO DO IF WE WANNA GO POTTY?!" Daigo asked.

"Really, Aoki-Kun?" you grimaced before looking back at Urara, glaring at her. "This is completely unacceptable! Just because we refuse the new rules of Totsuki which are clearly unreasonable, doesn't give you the right to treat us like this!" you stated, angrily.

"Quiet down, rebel!" Urara glared, you growled at her, which she returned before turning away. "Now. We have our first bout's chefs!" the screen showed the names from the rebel's team, Megishima Tosuke, Isshiki Satoshi, and Yukihira Soma, against Kinokuni Nene, Shiratsu Jurio, and...Sato Hiroto.

Your eyes widened and your mouth went agape as you saw his name.

"Hello, Mochiduki. I see that you're doing well. It is unfortunate to see that you can't participate in the 'Team Shokugeki'" your eyes landed on the boy who smirked sinisterly at you.

"Hiroto, are you still sour because I was the first one to beat you?" you smiled and raised a brow, staring at him in amusement. This seemed to trigger the boy.

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