Chapter 9: Surviving Training Camp (Pt.4)

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(3rd Person's POV)

A successful breakfast test!

Once the leftover bowls of your oatmeal wiped out, you left the buffet and hoped that you would get some rest before chef Dojima brings up another task!

"Ah! Satoshi, I wonder if he passed that test" you suddenly spoke after remembering.

"I passed!" a voice said right next to your ears, you yelped as you shivered and looked back to see a smiling Satoshi. "WHA-...DON'T DO THAT, SATOSHI! MY SOUL ALMOST LEFT MY BODY!!" you yelled.

The brown-haired boy giggled, "sorry. Now that we both passed the test, this time you will be cooking our dinner".

Your jaw dropped, "wha-...When did you even pass?!". "Long ago. I thought that it would be a difficult task like how the others were, but it was easier than I thought" he shrugged, smiling.

"Arrrghhh!! So, I guess dinner's on me tonight" you groaned, then sighed in defeat. Satoshi giggling, which made glare at him playfully. "What's so funny?" you asked.

"Nothing, it's look really funny when you're mad, and...cute" he said, his cheeks were light pink. You blushed, and quickly looked away with a pout.

"Nnnnnotfunny..." you mumbled lowly, which Satoshi obviously heard and tried to hold his laughter.

Your eyes glanced at the brown-haired boy, and a smile crawled on your lips seeing your friend happy. Your stomach started shaking as a giggle erupted and escaped your mouth, both of you sharing a sweet and calm moment.

"Attention, Totsuki students. Please head to the hall in your uniforms in 2 hours to discuss your next task" chef Dojima suddenly announced.

"So much for relaxing..." you sighed in disappointment. "Well, at least we got 2 hours" Satoshi exclaimed, smiling softly.

You and Satoshi went back to your rooms, and you decided to take a quick shower and maybe drink some coffee to stay awake. Once you were done showering, you wore your uniform and checked the clock.

"Hmm, I still have one more hour. I need coffee" you said to yourself before going to the small coffee corner in your room and put coffee in a cup, then poured the boiling water.

You sat down on the comfy couch and sipped on the hot coffee, able to relax before the next task. Once you were done, you checked the clock again and saw that only 30 minutes left.

"I should go to Satoshi's room. I hope he's ready, though" you mumbled before leaving your room and headed to Satoshi's, which was only a few rooms away.

"Satoshi, are you ready? We need to go" you knocked, then the door swung open, revealing Satoshi in his uniform. "Yeah, let's go" he said before closing the door.

On your way, you spotted Kuga leaving his room. "Oh, Kuga-San!" Satoshi called, and the multicolour-haired boy looked at the both of you.

"Heading to the hall, too? Let's go together" he offered, but Kuga only glared at both of you, clicking his tongue and walked away. It upset you, especially the way he talked to you during the breakfast task.

"Huh? He doesn't seem to be wanting to do that" Satoshi raised his brows. "Ugh, forget about him, Satoshi! It's not like he wants to do anything with us..." you rolled your eyes in annoyance and crossed your arms.

"He said something to you back there, right? Is it why you're mad at him?" he asked, looking down at you. "L-Let's just not talk about it. Come on, we're gonna be late" you dismissed, and continued walking.

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