Chapter 34: The Smell of Something Burning

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Isshiki-Senpai, (Y/N)-Senpai! We're back!" the brown-haired boy heard Soma yell from outside the dormitory. Satoshi was full of joy as he sprinted outside to greet his kohais with a big smile.

"Welcome back, everyone! You all survived the camp from hell! Good jo-...huh?" as quick as his smile appeared, it vanished when he noticed something that was quite odd about the 'Polar Star' members. First, he noticed Soma's incredibly bulky body.

"We're...back..." the red head said with a deep voice. Satoshi sweat dropped as he stared at Soma with a shocked face, "Soma-Kun?! You much manlier. The tasks must've been very challenging!".

His cyan-coloured eyes looked at the other members, and he was just as shocked because they looked like a bunch of evil gangsters. Megumi was wearing a black school uniform and chewing on gum inappropriately loudly and holding a dangerous chain in her hands. Her personality was the complete opposite of the sweet, kind-hearted bluenette he used to know. As for the others, Ryoko was dressed elegantly as if she was the mobster's leader, while Yuki was standing behind her, grinning as she was cracking her knuckles. And Shoji and Daigo were on the ground, glaring daggers at the brown-haired Senpai as if he was prey.

"Tadokoro-Chan?! Is that really you?! You're all kind of rough around the edges!" Satoshi said in a panicked tone. "Shut up!" Megumi spat.

"Hehehe! Boss! Let's beat him up!" Yuki chuckled evilly. "Yeah!" Shoji and Daigo said in unison, smirking.

"Hmph, quit being rude to your seniors. I won't allow it!" Ryoko hissed. Satoshi then noticed another one looking like a freaking caveman.

"Ibusaki-Kun, your signature charming hairstyle's been ruined" he said, frowning.

"Scruff" Shun mumbled. The brown-haired boy looked around anxiously, as he noticed that someone was missing. "Come to think of it, Where's Marui-Kun? I can't seem to find him" he stated.

"This is the only thing we could find of him" Shun took out a pair of broken glasses from his bushy hair, handing it to the shivering Senpai whose eyes gone teary. This was all too overwhelming for him. These people aren't the same sweet, friendly, and happy kohais he used to know. Things aren't going to be the same anymore. They'll probably cause trouble in the academy such as hurting other students, back talking to the teachers, getting into fights with other groups of mean students, and perhaps stealing people's belongings as well. No, Satoshi cannot accept this! He can't! He just can't! The poor boy fell on his knees as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"B-But...No! MARUI-KUN!!" he cried as caveman Shun comforted him by rubbing circles on his back. However, the feeling was gone as Satoshi looked back up from his lap, to see nothing but darkness.

"W-What? Where am I?? Hello?! Anybody here?! Ibusaki-Kun! Tadokoro-Chan!" no response, nothing and no one was around except for him.

"What's going on?? Where did everybody go?!" fear has been crawling on his body as he slowly started to shiver, his eyes desperately searched for something or someone else that existed in this world of nothingness.

Soon, his eyes caught something that was far away from him; a glowing dot that was like a star in the sky. Satoshi didn't give it a second thought as he sprinted towards it like it was about to disappear if he didn't hurry up. He seemed to notice that he was getting closer as the glowing dot was growing and started to take the form of a human. He flinched when the figure turned out to be you, as your back was facing him, not moving a muscle.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Satoshi called as he got closer to you, but he got no response. He stopped running, and panted as sweat drenched his face and body.

"(Y/N), do you know where we are?? Soma-Kun and the others just returned from the camp an-..." he stopped when he noticed that you didn't even turn to look at him.

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