Chapter 7: Surviving Training Camp (Pt.2)

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(3rd Person's POV)

It was horrifying...

The sound of dropping tears...

The amount of agonizing screams...

Begging for mercy on their souls...

It was like a war and everybody wanted to survive...

But instead of using weapons, words were used...

Two words...

Only two words that caused all this chaotic mayhem...


"You're fired...".


What happened before...

"This is ridiculous! We didn't even get to take a break!" you thought, restlessly.

"Good day, students. I am Shinomiya Kojiro, an alumnus of the 79th graduating class. This task involves cooking a dish of my choosing. You all have the recette, I hope?" chef Shinomiya spoke, showing a piece of paper. You couldn't help but let your ears pick up the worried whispers of the students.

"Shit. It's chef Shinomiya", "I heard he expelled more than 30 students from the other group!", "He assigned us a recipe he came up with, too" the students murmured.

You pursed your lips as you stared at the recipe paper with worried expression.

"'Terrine of Nine Vegetables'..." you muttered to yourself, tilting your head to the side in question. "Um, excuse me, can you explain to me what this dish is?" you asked after raising your hand.

"What? Isn't it obvious to you?" chef Shinomiya chuckled, making you furrow your brow. "Just as the name says, 'Terrine of Nine Vegetables'. Though visually arresting with its nine vibrant vegetables, each vegetable requires specific preparation and cooking times, and none must overwhelm or underwhelm its counterparts. Is that clear enough for you? I choose the easiest of my recettes. Would you prefer a more difficult challenge?" he swung the paper left and right, smirking.

You scowled at the cocky chef, "no, this one is fine, thank you".

"Also..." he continued. "You are not allowed to form teams for this task. I will have each of you to prepare the dish. You may not share information or help each other during this process".

Chef Shinomiya then pointed at the ingredients, "you will each select ingredients from the piles at the back of the kitchen. Lastly, a word of advice: you would do better to think of everyone else as your enemies". The student began whispering to each other as he said that.

You knew that this task will not be easy...

"The time limit is 3 hours. Now...begin" he announced. Before you even comprehend what was going on, the panicked students ran past you to the ingredients.

Your eyes widened in shock as you watched the horde of students pushing each other just to take ingredients, pulling each other's hair, might as well kill each other in the process!

"OW! GET OUTTA THE WAY!", "SCREW THAT! I'LL KILL YOU!!", "OUTTA THE WAY!!" they all shouted with fury.

"Their eyes...they're like wild animals" you thought as you stared at them. After scanning the area, you noticed that Kuga was nowhere to be seen. You looked around and then spotted him standing calmly next to his counter with crossed arms.

"Why isn't he getting the ingredients?!" you mentally asked. As you were about to march right up to him, you immediately stopped. "No, I can't talk to him! If chef Shinomiya saw us, he'll fire us both, and it's all gonna be my fault. But why is he just standing there? What if the ingredients run out??".

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