Chapter 51: Bear Games

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(3rd Person's POV)

A few days have passed, and now the young 'Polar Star' residents are standing in front of the dormitory with their needed luggage as they will depart to Hokkaido for the 'Advancement Exam'.

"Good luck to you all. Please return with no losses!" you pleaded, squeezing Soma's hands. "Don't worry, Senpai. Nakiri taught us everything we need to know, so we'll be okay" Soma reassured.

You couldn't help but let out a sigh, "I know that you guys are going to be okay, it's just...I can't help but be worried". The red head smiled softly as it was his turn to squeeze your hands. "We'll do our best, Senpai. You said it yourself too, remember? We went through the camp from hell, the 'Stagiaire', the 'Autumn Elections', the 'Moon Festival', every one of them was tougher than the other and we still managed to pass them with flying colors! This 'Advancement Exam' won't be any different, even if Nakiri Azami is the director, we'll kick this exam's ass!" the boy grinned.

"You just call me and tell me everything once you're done!" you demanded with crossed arms and a smirk.

"Haha, will do!" Soma chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hurry up, Yukihira!" Erina yelled, impatiently. "Oh, okay! Well, goodbye!" the red walked away, waving to you, Satoshi, and Fumio-San as all the 'Polar Star' residents got into the cars Erina brought so they can go to where the busses are waiting for the first years, and the cars drove away.

"I hope it goes well for them" Fumio-San said before turning and walking back inside the dorm. You let out a sigh which caught Satoshi's attention.

"Are you okay, (N/N)?" he asked. You smiled softly at him and nodded, "I'm okay. I better go change; I have a class in 20 minutes. I'll see you later".

"Okay, see you!" he smiled as you walked back into the dormitory.



(Y/N's POV)

It turns out I had a cooking class, so I went to the locker room to change to my chef attire. While I was changing, I felt...eyes piercing me. Glancing back, I saw some of the girls giving me dirty looks before they looked away.

"This is bad..." I thought, frowning. I tried ignoring them and quickly changed before leaving the locker room, running to the cooking class. Once I walked in, the air inside the kitchen was so thick I could feel it! It's like walking into an invisible sponge!

The other students seem to be going with their day like every other day, but this time, I can feel the abnormality in their actions.

All they talk about is Azami...

I silently walked to the back of the kitchen and stood near the last counter on the left side of the room, avoiding all sorts of communication at all costs. A few minutes later, the instructor walked in.

"Good day, students. I hope you are all prepared for today's lesson. We are going to make 'Tomato Consommé and Smoked Ricotta Tortelli', a gourmet dish that 'Central' had added to the curricular. You will observe me cooking it first, then you will follow the recipe written on the board here. But before we begin, I will call out your names" the instructor said, now holding a piece of paper, and started calling the students' names, and they respond by 'present'.

"Mochiduki (Y/N)" he called.

"P-Present..." I stammered, nervously. He glared at me, humming before putting the paper down and began cooking.

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