Chapter 69: Granting a Wish (Pt.2)

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(3rd Person's POV)

It didn't take long until Mana's gifting spread across the arena, causing everyone to lose their clothes, leaving them almost naked while they screamed with embarrassment.

"I can't believe this happened again!" you mentally screamed as you tried to cover yourself, your face was a deep shade of red.

"How do you like that, Yukihira? This is what the top of the 'BLUE' looks like. And I'm the one who's going to take the 1st seat in the next generation of the culinary world!" Asahi smiled widely at the red head, who just stood there silently.

You were feeling extremely worried about him, he wasn't saying anything, and the judges passed out, they didn't even open the lid of his dish!

"Here, wear this" Kuga snapped you out of your trance as you saw holding out a robe to you. "Thanks" you mumbled, taking the robe and wearing it.

"Hey, princess Erina! Did you see how powerful my dish was? Looks like your mother approves, too!" Asahi yelled at Erina, who was anxiously watching.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but we should continue with the tasting" Rantabi stated. "Ah, I'm so satisfied, I can't even move" Decora shivered.

"I just wanna go home now" Courage whined.

"Okay, Yukihira, it's your turn. Let's see your dish that combines the 'Five Grand Cuisines'! I wonder what it could be" the black-haired 'Noir' chef said, smirking at Soma.

"Glad you asked. And here's your answer" Soma took the lid off his plate.

 And here's your answer" Soma took the lid off his plate

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"Fried rice!".


"WHAAAAAT?!!!" the entire venue screeched.

"Fried rice combining all five cuisines??", "Wait, did he seriously just mix them all together?!" the 'Noir' chefs were shocked just as much as everybody else was.

"Good grief. Where do I even begin? Remember how the judges didn't even look at your dish because of the aroma from mine? My dish is clearly superior in every way. You really went with fried rice? Don't make me la-..." Asahi stopped mid-sentence when he eyed Soma's dish.

"What's with this fried rice? Something's wrong" he thought.

"You're supposed to be judging, so at least have a bite!" Rantabi held Courage's head while trying to force a spoonful of Soma's food into her mouth. "I don't wannaaaa!" the blonde took the chance of Courage's whining and shoved the spoon into her mouth.


"Huh?" Rantabi didn't get to process what just happened and Courage immediately started devouring the food like her life depended on it!

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