Chapter 25: Moon Festival (Pt.1)

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(3rd Person's POV)

It's been a few days since the new girl joined the 'Chinese Cuisine RS', and Kuga promised that he would train her personally. There were, however, some trainings that she had done with the bald workers. Constantly flipping dry rice in a wok.

"Alright, Tsuki-Chin! Now that the 'Moon Festival' is approaching, I've decided that we'll set up our booth in the 'Central Area'!" Kuga announced as she was sitting on a chair. Tsukiyo was wearing a Chinese chef attire just like the other recruits, only whenever she's in the club, and she had a Chinese low bun hairstyle.

"Oh, that's great! But, why not the 'Yamanote Area'?" she asked, raising a brow. "It's a good place, many of the elite ten set up their shops there every year. Obviously, I'd do great if I set up my shop there, but not a lot of customers would line up to try my food because there are size restrictions. While the 'Central Area' lets you choose what size you want your booth to be" Kuga explained, smirking.

"Oooohh..." Tsukiyo nodded in understanding. "Well, not that I'll have any trouble getting customers wherever I set up my booth" he added, proudly. Making the platinum-blonde haired girl sweat drop.

"It's true. His reputation is a powerful weapon" she thought.

"Anyways, I have a class to go to right now, so since you're free, keep practicing tossing the dry rice on the wok until I get back. Understood?" he ordered, which made her flinch and look at him.

"O-Okay!" she nodded as he left the RS.



Kuga was sitting in the classroom waiting for the class to start when he felt someone sitting next to him. His wine orbs glanced to his left and went wide as he saw a certain brown-haired girl with a mixture of purple and brown for eyes.

"Mochiduki!" he called.

"Hi, Terunori" you greeted, smiling politely. Kuga scoffed, "Don't talk to me!".

"By the way, did you choose which area you'll set up your booth?" you asked, ignoring his demand.

"Wha-...Of course, I did! I'm going to set up my shop at the 'Central Area'! And of course, many customers will line up just to try my fabulous food" he retorted.

You hummed in response and put a finger on your chin, thinking about something.

"Don't tell me that you haven't chosen a spot yet? Today's the booth application deadline for the 'Moon Festival'. Did you devise a good strategy? Come up with a menu?" Kuga smirked evilly.

You didn't respond as you were deep in thought.

Kuga snickered, "From the look on your face, it doesn't look like you have anything to go on". He then noticed you still ignoring him which quickly pissed him off.

"Oi! Say something! I'm not trying to talk to myself here!" he yelled, angrily.

"Since me and Satoshi are the only ones in the 'Polar Star' dormitory, maybe setting up our booth in the 'Central Area' wouldn't be a bad idea. The 'Main Avenue' is the most crowded area, which may cause a lot of pressure on just two students. Though the 'Central Area' would also be crowded, but there's a balance since it's a bit high-priced than the 'Main Avenue'" you thought, tapping your chin.

"...Oi!" Kuga's yapping snapped you out of your trance and you looked at him. "Oh, sorry, Terunori. Did you say something?" you innocently asked.

"How rude!" he yelled. "Well, I guess we sit next to each other in this class. Let's get along, yeah?" you smiled brightly. "Sit somewhere else!" he kept yelling.

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