Chapter 60: Teamwork & Specialty

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(3rd Person's POV)

Today's the day. The day of the 'Team Shokugeki' final bout. You spent the night in Kuga's room, and then after you woke up, you went to your room to wash your face and brush your teeth, then began wearing your school uniform. You stood in front of the mirror as you adjusted your tie until it looked perfect.

You wanted to look presentable...

At least for the last time.

You snapped out of your thoughts as you felt a tear run down your cheek, you quickly wiped it and cleared your throat.

"Think positive, (Y/N)...Think positive" you whispered, taking a deep breath, and put on a smile.

When you were done, you grabbed your coat and left the room, making your way to the lobby where Kuga was waiting. The boy was waiting right outside the building, you waved to him as he saw you, and smiled.

"Hey!" you greeted.

"Hey. So, are you ready to go?" he took your coat and helped you wear it. "I think so. But...I can't help but feel that my chest feels heavy, I mean, this is the last bout! And we don't know what might happen!" you frowned.

Kuga looked at you and cracked a smile as he held your hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze.


His sweet, alluring wine eyes that could make you feel drunk by just staring at them, the cold snow around the both of you melts the more you got into the moment that warmed you more than a fire would. Your mixture of purple and brown eyes blinked twice as you waited for Kuga to say something, but a sudden sharp pain hit your forehead that quickly snapped you back to reality and let out a hiss.

"What did I say about panicking?!" Kuga flicked your forehead. "Are you ignoring your chief's words?!".

"Chief?? N-No! Of course not!" you quickly shook your head, and your cheeks were bright pink.

"I thought so. Now, take a deep breath" he smirked, and you obeyed and took a deep breath. "Good. Now, relax your shoulders" you kept taking deep breaths, and felt yourself relax.

"Good job. Now, come here" he pulled you closer to him, and planted a kiss on your forehead. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched, your cheeks were now burning as you could hear your own heartbeats.

Kuga then pulled away a little, he cupped your cheeks, making you look at him, and kissed your lips. Despite the winter around the both of you... felt like spring.

After breaking the gentle kiss, you two leaned your foreheads on each other's.

"Feel better now?" Kuga asked, smiling. You smiled back as well, "Yeah".

"I don't believe this..." a voice said, causing the two of you to flinch and look at whoever that person was. Your eyes widened in shock, while Kuga's became full of rage.

"Luna..." he spat.

His fiancée was staring daggers at them, her eyes were fuming so much that one could see a massive flame in them. Her hands were clenched, her teeth were gritting, and her breaths were uneven.

"So, you ignore my calls and messages for days, then you blocked me, and then I find out that you've been in Hokkaido this entire time just to be with HER??!!" Luna screamed as she pointed at you.

"I don't think it's any of your business with what I do in my life. Oh, and also...I'm breaking off the engagement!" Kuga smirked and crossed his arms. Luna's eyes widened.

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