Chapter 44: If You Love Me for Me

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Tsuki-Chin, are you ready yet? We must leave early before the guests arrive at Luna's mansion!" Kuga yelled while he was adjusting his tie and bobby pin in front of the mirror. The sound of high heels clicking on the floor echoed as they approached the 8th seat from behind, Kuga's wine-colored orbs widened and felt as if his breath had been stolen from him as he turned around from the mirror.

There, in front of him, stood Tsukiyo with the prettiest dress she ever wore. Well, it was chosen by Kuga, but he never thought that she would look this beautiful in it. A long, Chinese violet shade of purple glitter satin dress with three diamond straps hanging on her shoulders loosely. Her smooth platinum-blonde hair with light pink highlights was done in a low-bun hairstyle, decorated with silver flower pins. And some diamond accessories were provided for her such as a necklace, earrings, and medium length high heels. Tsukiyo had light make-up on, and she didn't look sick due to the treatment Kuga got for her so she could have the energy for the night.

"Do I look good enough?" she asked, looking at herself before raising her head at the 8th seat. Kuga's cheeks were burning up so bad that one could fry an egg on them, he nervously gulped as he tried to breathe calmly, but he was silent for too long that it Tsukiyo frown, which Kuga didn't fail to notice as he pulled himself together and cleared his throat.

"Y-Yeah, look perfect" his face softened as a small smile appeared on his lips, and Tsukiyo returned that same smile. "Okay, now that we are done, let's get a move on" the two walked out of Kuga's mansion, into the car, and made their way to Shuen's residence.



(Tsukiyo's POV)

We arrived at a beautiful, fancy-looking mansion that looked even bigger than Terunori's mansion! With a very spacious front yard that looked so beautiful because it was so full of colorful flowers and well-trimmed trees. I was in awe as I stared at every detail my eyes could catch. The Shuen's residence was colored white and gold, it looked classy and elegant, perfect for a beautiful lady like Luna.

 The Shuen's residence was colored white and gold, it looked classy and elegant, perfect for a beautiful lady like Luna

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"A beautiful lady like Luna..." I sighed as my smile faded, and one of the mansion's guards opened the car door for us to get out.

"Kuga-Sama and his assistant has arrived" I heard the bodyguard say to his walkie-talkie, as me and Terunori walked up the stairs, to the fancy door that has been opened for us by the guards. My eyes widened as the inside of the mansion looked even more spacious than the outside!

And everything was prepared, from food and beverages, classy music band, waiters in their uniforms, everything!

"Teru, darling, you're finally here!" Luna showed up looking even more beautiful than the first time I saw her. She wore an ankle length, long sleeves beige dress with high heels. Her smooth hair was now curled and let it down and just decorated it with a simple pearl pin. Terunori smiled at her and held her hands, gently kissing them.

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