Chapter 56: Cold Hell

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(3rd Person's POV)

The sound of the fork clanking on the kitchen floor echoed as it summoned silence into the room. Breathing seemed to suddenly become a hard task on your lungs, and all the colors of your face and body drained to a ghastly pale as you froze in place. Though the God of Fire was burning you with his eyes, yet the kitchen felt colder than normal, it was like a cold version of hell itself. Your mouth was open, yet no sound came out. It was as if your tongue rolled itself to the back of your throat in attempts to hide and refuse to say anything.

How are you going to explain this to Kuga?

Where do you start?

There's so much explaining to do, but your mind was scattered all over the place like shattered glass that you're struggling to pick up the pieces without getting your fingers cut!

"Well...?" Kuga asked in a deep voice. Miraculously, your voice came out after having a hard time forcing it out of your mouth.


Kuga slowly leaned in while still eyeing you, and once he noticed that you were leaning back, he suddenly grabbed your shoulders aggressively to keep you still.

"Don't. Move. A muscle. You begged me to let you explain, and now I'm letting you. So, don't fucking try to run off again!" he spat with venom drowning his words. Your eyes widened in bewilderment as you felt your eyes burning you with tears that you couldn't hold anymore.

"I-...I'm sorr-..." you choked.

"I don't want an apology! I want an explanation!" he cut you off, harshly, as his grip on your shoulders tightened, which caused you pain. Your heart was beating rapidly as you stared at him, your mind was trying to form a proper sentence as quick as possible before Kuga gets angrier than he already is.

"I...I did it because...I wanted you to give me a chance" you finally said. Kuga blinked as his angry expression was replaced with a confused one.

"A chance for what??" he asked in a demanding tone.

" be your friend".

Kuga's expression softened as his wine orbs went wide, he felt himself go speechless before clicking his tongue, his nails dug themselves deeper into your shoulders, which made you hiss in pain. The multi-color haired boy lowered his head as his eyes hid behind his blonde bangs, and his heart was aching.

" pretend to be someone else, you lie to me, you toy with my feelings, for a whole fucking year...just because you wanted to be my friend?!" he asked, trying to hold his anger in. Tears streamed down your cheeks as guilt poured itself on you like water in a bucket.

"I trusted you-...No, I trusted Tsukiyo...I taught her everything I know in 'Chinese Cuisine'...I let her become my trusted right-hand chef and be in charge whenever I wasn't at the RS...I confided her as my friend! My first true friend!" Kuga yelled as he raised his head, now you can see that his eyes were teary as well. He got up from his seat, pulling you and slammed your back on the wall.

"I started to have feelings for her...but then you started showing up, and because of feelings started clashing!" he glared down at your little form. You couldn't breathe as you cried heavily.

"'Honest'? 'Don't pretend to be someone you're not'? You've gotta be kidding me!" he backed away, turning his back on you as his hands clenched into tight fists.

"I..." you let out, tiredly. "I wanted to be your first true friend..." Kuga listened but didn't dare to look at you.

"...but you only shut me out and kept treating me like I was an old, chewed piece of gum stuck on your shoe! Do you know how much that hurts?! I created Hisoka Tsukiyo in hopes that you would talk to me without looking down on me, didn't see me" more tears rolled down your cheeks as you said the last part. Kuga slowly turned his head to glance back at you.

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