Chapter 45: A Threat

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(3rd Person's POV)

What happened the night before...

"Luna-Sama, everything is set for tomorrow night's party to celebrate your and Kuga-Sama's engagement. The invitation had been sent to the guests and their RSVP had arrived, they are all coming. Your dress, your shoes, and accessories which you had picked are ready, and the hall is decorated to your desire" Luna's butler informed.

"That's good. I want everything to be perfect" Luna said, smiling in content.

"Is there anything else I should do?" he asked. "No, that'll be all" she smiled, and her butler turned and was about to leave.

"Actually..." her butler stopped in his tracks, but didn't turn as he listened in.

"There is something I would like you to do".

Her butler slowly turned, facing his lady again. "What is it?" he asked.

"Find information about...Hisoka Tsukiyo".

Silence made its presence clear as no noise was made. However, Luna's teacup clinking on its small plate shattered the silence, and the butler bowed to her.

"Understood, Luna-Sama. Please sleep well tonight".


Later that night...

The butler snuck into Totsuki academy when all students and faculty were fast asleep except for security guards who have night shifts. No light besides the moon and the flashlights the security guards were carrying with them as they roam around the yards outside the buildings, and some of them were walking down the halls inside.

However, that didn't stop the butler from sneaking in like a professional, for as he was walking down the hall, wearing a security guard uniform. His hat was a little low to hide his identity, and there was a time when he passed by another security guard who glanced at him suspiciously but didn't say anything since the butler was wearing the same uniform, thinking that he might be a new guard.

It didn't take him long to reach his designated destination, right in front of an office which had all the student files. The butler wore his gloves and took out a key that could open any door and unlocked it. He looked right and left to make sure that nobody was around, and walked in, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could. Not bothering to turn on the flashlight, the moonlight emitting from the large window was more than enough, if he turned on the flashlight, that would increase the chance of getting caught by one of the guards walking outside. He started opening drawers, which were full of files arranged in alphabetical order.

He began looking for the letter 'H'.












The butler searched the entire list of last names that started with this letter.


No Hisoka.

Perhaps he could check the letter 'T', so, he began searching.


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