Chapter 67: A Silent Fight

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(Y/N's POV)

I'm worried, I'm worried, I'm so worried right now! Takumi-Kun and Soma are now facing one of the 'Noir' chefs because Isami-Kun was being held captive by those...jerks!


When they announced the next match, I felt something strange which made me look around at my friends.

"Everyone's here. But...why do I feel like something, or someone's missing?" I thought, furrowing my brows.

But as soon as Takumi-Kun brought up his brother, I let out a gasp.

"Isami-Kun! But he's...he's not here! Where is he?!" I panicked and kept looking around frantically.

"What's wrong, Mochiduki-Senpai?" Ibusaki-Kun looked at me since I was sitting next to him. I was about to ask him if he saw Isami when we arrived, but the 'Noir' chef answered as if he read my mind, and his answer made chills go down my spine.

"Ah, such wonderful brotherly love. But I wonder if that cute wittle brother of yours is going to make it" he said.

"What?" Takumi-Kun asked.

My eyes went wide, and I felt my stomach drop as he continued, "I have a lot of very generous friends, you see...Why, they'll do almost anything for me" he finished, chuckling evilly.

I looked to my right at Terunori and Satoshi, and they had serious expressions. Teru could feel my eyes on him as he glanced at me, giving me a small nod. I didn't understand his gesture, before I could ask, he and Satoshi got up and left the arena.

*End of Flashback*

Now I'm just sitting here, anxiously waiting for this match to be over, silently praying that things will go well.

"Buon Appetito" Takumi-Kun served their dish. I was stunned at first since I only saw one color, but this is...

"It's black and white. It's yin and yang!" judge Histoire said. "A verrine split vertically? It's a complete contrast to his opponent's dish, but just as beautiful!" judges Dynamis remarked with wide eyes.

 "A verrine split vertically? It's a complete contrast to his opponent's dish, but just as beautiful!" judges Dynamis remarked with wide eyes

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"I guess I'll try the white side first" the blonde judge, Rantabi said as she began to eat.


"Ahh~! This is an Italian dish that resembles chawanmushi...It uses sformato as its base!" she squealed.

"Indeed. I sliced up some onions, then sauteed them, then blended in fresh cream and parmesan cheese, then added eggs and melted butter, and then steamed it up into a souffle. It's a cheese-flavored white sformato" Takumi-Kun clarified.

"And the black sformato..." judge Histoire took a bite, and his eyes went wide. "This is...softshell turtle?!".

"Yes, it's cheese...", "...and softshell turtle verrine" both Takumi-Kun and Soma answered, and the audience gasped with amazement.

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