Chapter 59: The Sweet Ending (Pt.2)

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(3rd Person's POV)


"Momo-Sama! There are our new products! Which is the cutest?".

"These are the designs for children's clothes!".

"This new confection!".

The people showed their products to young Momo.

"This one, that one, that one, this one" Momo pointed at the chosen products.


"You're really going to Totsuki academy?! Please come to our toy company!", "No, to our apparel company!", "No, help us with graphic design!".

"Please tell us! Why did you choose to become a pâtissier?".

"Well, it's because I look the cutest when I'm making sweets" Momo answered with a smile.

*End of Flashback*

"I've spent all this time striving to be the cutest and expressing cuteness and deliciousness through my dishes. And yet you had the nerve to..." Momo pondered as she glared at the owner of the 'God Tongue'.

"What are you going to try to teach me, Eri-Nyan?".

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Please enjoy. 'Souffle Leger de Grace'" Erina finally served her dish, and it looked stunning.

 'Souffle Leger de Grace'" Erina finally served her dish, and it looked stunning

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"Hey, a souffle. I made one of those before" Soma said, smiling. "It looks so fluffy!" Ryoko commented as she stared in awe.

"She's competing against her opponent's roll cake with pancakes! Splinded, Erina-Sama! You're so brave and courageous to face the enemy head-on!" Hisako praised, blushing.

"I mean, it looks fancy and pretty, but...Visually, the impact from the roll cake castle is way too much!" Yuki stated, doubtfully. Alice then giggled, which caught the red head's attention.

"Hm? What's funny?" he asked. "Oh, nothing" Alice smirked.

"Now, let us have a taste...of the dish made by the girl with the 'God Tongue'" Anne said, smiling as she took a bite of the gleefully fluffy pancake, followed by Histoire and Charme.


"This...", " no ordinary pancake!", "I n between the two pancakes...".


"Yes. That is the star of the dish. I created a paste from azuki beans and sweetened it with brown sugar. I call it my 'Divine Brown Sugar Bean Paste'" Erina said.

"She used a pressure cooker to reduce the cooking time without losing the flavor" Alice pointed out, smirking mischievously.

"Brown sugar bean paste?", "So that means this dish is..." Yuki and Ryoko stared in disbelief.

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