Chapter 3: Polar Star

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(3rd Person's POV)




All those feelings were burning through your veins, almost making you feel like you're about to blast off into space!

Finally, finally you are officially a student at the infamous Totsuki Academy! The introduction at the stage was quite interesting, as a certain white-haired boy who seemed to be a second year was a trembling mess and you assumed that he's just socially awkward.

The other students who passed the entrance exam introduced themselves, but you couldn't help but feel out of place. Every one of them come from powerful families with chains of successful restaurants or any other business. While you're just a mere girl whose family owns a simple diner.

"And-...and now, p-please welcome Mochiduki (Y/N)" the nervous boy introduced as you walked up to the microphone. You made sure you kept your sweet and friendly smile to make first good impression.

"Hello, I'm Mochiduki (Y/N). I...don't really have much to say except that this is the first time I'm in a culinary school. Our family owns a simple diner, so I pretty much have real life experience in cooking. So...that's pretty much it. It's nice to meet you all" you spoke, chuckling nervously while rubbing the back of your head.

Students started clapping for you, welcoming you as well just like the others, though your eyes caught some students glaring daggers and scoffing at you like you were some kind of filthy insect or a sewer rat!

You frowned a little and stood back next to the nice boy who smiled down at you. After the introduction was complete, you took your luggage and took out a piece of paper from your school uniform's pocket, a map that showed you the entire academy, and the dormitory in which you were going to stay at.

"The 'Polar Star' dormitory..." you muttered to yourself. Looking around, you already saw Terunori getting into a car which will definitely take him to his dormitory. Everyone already left, and you were alone.

Sighing in disappointment, "not exactly the first day I expected it to be...".

The sun has already started to depart the sky, and to be replaced by the moon as you walked and walked and walked in what seemed to be the middle of the forest just to get to the dormitory.

Sweat slid down from your forehead, already feeling dizzy, but you had to reach that place or else you'll end up sleeping outside, or even worse, food for some kind of animal. Considering that you didn't know what lurks between the shadows of the trees from both left and right.

"Dang it, how far is that 'Polar Star' place??! I'm so tired!" you whined.

Your question was soon to be answered as you came across an old looking building in the middle of the road. With wide eyes, you stared in disbelief and hoped that it wasn't the place you're supposed to stay in.

However, your fear was soon confirmed as you got closer and read the label next to the gate.

'Polar Star'...

"Oh, god...How could such a fancy school neglect their buildings like that?!" you thought, sweat dropping.

Feeling scared, you walked in and opened the heavy door as it creaked and echoed throughout the whole building.

"H-Hello...? Is anyone here? I'm a new resident!" you called, but only silence responded.

You sighed, again.

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