Chapter 65: The Prince, the Princess, and the Dwarf

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(Y/N's POV)

I don't know what is up with him!

This whole day after my first encounter with Suzuki-Sensei, Teru had been oddly quiet, even here at the RS he's been ordering me around coldly without even listening to my objection if I can't do such tasks! At the moment, I'm doing rice tossing practice with my teammates while he is sitting on his chair. It's almost sunset as well, so once we finish our practices, we can leave.

"One, two! One, two! Keep it going, fellas!" he yelled. "(Y/N)-Chin, move faster!" he demanded, a little harshly.

"Okay, this has got to stop!" I thought, angrily. So, I stopped what I was doing because I had no other option but to confront him. I walked right up to him while he had a blank expression, eyeing my every move until I stopped and crossed my arms.

"Any problems, (Y/N)-Chin?" he asked, plainly.

"Yes, Teru, I have a problem! You've been acting cold towards me today for no reason! What's going on?! Is there something upsetting you??" I asked him.

"Upsetting me? Not at all. I just noticed that you've been slacking off and trying to ignore the tasks I've been giving you today" he stated, merely shrugging.

"Slacking off? Ignoring tasks?! You had given me tons of work today that was pressuring me, and I barely managed to finish them all!" I argued.

"You wouldn't feel pressured if you weren't slacking off!" he retorted, now looking irritated as he stood up, glaring at me. I could no longer hear the rice tossing as it was silent, I bet the rest of the recruits are watching us, feeling uncomfortable to see us arguing.

"What is wrong with you?!" I snapped; my hands clenched as I couldn't believe what he was saying. "I'm not slacking off! I never did! But if you're gonna treat me like this, then do those tasks by yourself! I'm going back to my dormitory!" with one last glare, I marched right out of that darned RS.

I felt my eyes burn with tears, but I blinked them away as I kept going down the long stairs of the RS building.


(3rd Person's POV)

Kuga stood still with his head low as his blond bangs covered his wine-colored orbs, his workers stood awkwardly as they had just witnessed the lovers' argument, they didn't know what to do.

"C-Chief..." one of them decided to call. Kuga then raised his head; his eyes were gleaming with rage as his teeth were clenched.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP?! DO 30 MORE SETS!!".

"Y-YES, CHIEF!" the bald men yelled together as they returned to toss the rice in the wok.

Meanwhile, you were pretty tired from all that walking, so you sat on a bench you found and let out a big sigh, leaning your head back to stare at the colorful mix of orange, yellow, and pink that comforted you like a pat on the back.

The school was empty as only a few students were just leaving back to their dormitories while you heard them chattering and giggling, enjoying their average high school life.

"Why the long face, princess?".

A voice asked from behind you, startling you in the process and quickly turned your head to see Asahi smiling down at you.


He approached the bench and allowed himself to sit next to you, he leaned his head back and stared at the sky, letting out a big breath just like you did a moment ago.

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