Chapter 35: Slip of the Tongue

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(Y/N's POV)

"Today has been a long day, and I have to go downstairs and help Fumio-San clean up. The others should return tonight" I sighed as I wore my usual clothes, then left my room and jogged down the hallway to the main staircase.

I was honestly glad I got to go home early today; things have been stressful for me these past few days. Satoshi hasn't returned yet, probably busy with all the elite ten stuff, so it's just me and Fumio-San. We're going to cook a feast for tonight to celebrate the others return from camp! Suddenly, my steps came to a halt as I saw a man standing at the entrance. He had silky auburn hair, quite muscular, and carried a bag in his hand.

"Um, excuse me, sir. Who are you?" I asked, raising a brow. Earning the stranger's attention.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't-...Wait, you're Hiroshi's daughter, right?? (Y/N)" he smirked, pointing at me. "Y-Yes..." I reluctantly answered. "Do we know each other?" I asked as I stared at him to see if I could remember him, he looked quite familiar.

"Wow, I didn't know that you were going to Totsuki! It's me, Yukihira Joichiro! You came to our diner and met Soma there" he smiled, and I gasped as I remembered, a big smile made a grand entrance to my lips. "Oohh, Yukihira-San! It's been a long time!" I spoke.

"Haha, please, just call me Joichiro" he chuckled. "So, what brings you here? Soma hadn't returned from camp yet" I stated. "Well...I wanted to visit this dormitory. It's been so many years, but the place is still the same" Joichiro said, smiling as his golden orbs gazed around the dormitory.

"So, he used to go Totsuki, too!" I thought, raising my brows. "Ara, I see you two have met" Fumio-San came back from wherever she was. "Yeah, actually my dad and Joichiro are friends, but I met him and Soma in their diner last year!" I said, grinning.

"Wait, you're family with Yukihira Soma?!" Fumio-San's eyes widened. "Yeah, he's my son" Joichiro said. "Well, no wonder...Okay, then, come in now. We need to start cooking" she said, and walked towards the dining room, and to the kitchen. "If you don't mind, Fumio-San, I would like to cook" Joichiro offered.

"Really? Alright, it's been a while since we've had the former 2nd seat's cooking" Fumio-San crossed her arms and smirked. My mouth went agape as I looked at the man, "You were an elite ten?!".

Joichiro chuckled, rubbing his nose, "Well, you can say I was". My eyes glimmered as I grinned, "Can I help? Can I?? Can I??".

"Sure!" he nodded and went to the fridge and started taking out ingredients. I squealed excitedly; I can't believe I'm going to cook with an alumnus!



(3rd Person's POV)

Satoshi returned from the academy and went straight to his room to change. Oddly enough, he didn't see you around, but he started to get used to it as he's barely seeing you these days. He took off his uniform and wore nothing but his usual bear apron.

It was already sunset, so the other 'Polar Star' members must arrive at any time now. He sat on his bed, alone with his thoughts, until he heard a noise from the microphone.

"WE'RE BACK!!" Soma yelled. Satoshi's face brightened up and quickly went downstairs to greet them.

"Everyone, welcome back!" he cried tears of joy. The dormitory members got chatty as they explained what happened at the camp, and what happened to Soma.

"Ahahaha! So, Soma-Kun, you came back in one of the hotel's cars?" Satoshi chuckled. "I'm so jealous! That makes you a VIP! A VIP!" Yuki said.

"It wasn't that cushy a deal" Soma dismissed. "Either way, I'm glad everyone came back safely" Satoshi remarked, smiling.

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