Chapter 57: My Other Half Moon

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up in the darkness of my room, groaning tiredly as I rubbed my eyes. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness and sat up, I noticed that I had slept on the couch.

"Huh? Why am I sleeping on the couch? Why didn't I sleep on my bed?" I mentally asked myself. Then, the memories of last night came flooding back to me.

As soon as I entered my room, I threw myself on the couch sobbing like a little baby until I hadn't noticed that I fell asleep.

"What time is it?" I looked at the clock and saw that it was...noon?! This means that the third bout started a long time ago!

"Hmmm..." but honestly, I don't care. I don't even want to be in that cage anymore. Maybe I'll just stick around in my room. But I guess I have to get out for a little while...

Because I'm hungry.

I sighed and got up from the couch, changed out of my robe and wore normal clothes, and brushed my hair that almost covered my face before heading out.

"Ow, my head hurts..." I muttered, bitterly, as I rubbed my head. "There's gotta be some open buffet or a snack vending machine or something. Maybe I could use some coffee to wake me up" I thought. Stopping in my tracks, I was lucky to see that there was an open buffet serving lunch. A small smile quickly appeared on my lips as I walked in, and grabbed an empty plate and filled it with some of the delicious food.

Once I was done, I walked to an empty table and began eating, minding my own business as everybody else in the room were chatting with each other, either they're family or friends or business partners, it doesn't matter. The food was amazing! Of course, it's Totsuki, everything in this academy and its resorts is just perfect. When I finished lunch, I left the buffet room and walked around to find me a vending machine that could give me a nice, hot coffee. Hokkaido is freezing and I could use something that's warm.

"Finally..." I whispered as I grabbed my coffee, blowing on it before taking a small sip, feeling the warmth coursing through my body like a blanket. I let out a satisfied breath as I made my way back to my room.

But I stopped as soon as my eyes saw him...


We stared at each other with wide eyes for a while until I broke our intense eye contact and kept walking. I couldn't read his expression, he wasn't angry, nor sad, but he looked as if he was...surprised? I don't know. I walked past him while keeping my eyes on my coffee.

"What are you doing here instead of being at the arena with the others?" he suddenly asked, which made me stop in my tracks.

"It's not like I'm needed there, anyway" I simply answered. "What about you?".

"Well, I'm here for two reasons. One, I lost the match against Tsukassan. And two, I wanted to relax and enjoy myself" he answered.

"I see. Good for you" I said, bitterly before I began walking again.

"Hey..." Terunori called, I stopped walking again. "What?" I asked, not even looking back.

"Um...You should try the...massage chair after taking a bath. It'll help you relax" he said, nervously. I raised my brows as I finally turned to look at him, he avoided eye contact, his lips were a little puckered as he pouted cutely.

I suddenly felt myself become shy and quickly shook my head, gulping nervously. "Oh...okay. Thanks".

I finally returned to my room and sat on the couch and turned on the TV to see the 'Team Shokugeki' on the screen. My eyes widened as I saw that Megumi-Chan had lost to Akanegakubo Momo, but Takumi-Kun and Soma are still busy cooking their dishes.

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