Chapter 47: See Me, Hear Me!

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(Y/N's POV)

We celebrated our victory tonight, even the Aldini brothers came by. Surprisingly though, Takumi-Kun didn't lecture Soma. Besides that, Soma still wasn't satisfied with his winning since Eizan only came up with an impressive dish halfway the Shokugeki. I rolled my eyes playfully as there was no stopping him from doing whatever he plans.

"Now that I think about it, what's going on with the other groups who are facing shutdowns?" Soma asked.

"They're still between a rock and a hard place" someone answered. I quickly looked at the door, and my eyes widened as Satoshi stood there. "But thanks to you, Soma-Kun, the situation has slightly improved".

"I-Isshiki-Senpai!" Yuki-Chan stared in disbelief. "Where have you been?!" Marui-Kun asked. I crossed my arms and stared at the 7th seat with a raised brow.

"Sorry, all. I am an elite ten member, after all. I was concerned that if I did anything rash to help the dorm, the Azami administration would up the ante on us" he stated.

"I mean, I was wondering if you'd turned on us, Isshiki-Senpai" Yuki-Chan exclaimed with furrowed brows. "Yeah, it wouldn't have surprised me" Sato-Kun added. I held my laughter as I tried to look stern.

"What?! How could I ever do that?!" Satoshi was shocked.

"Well, if he did, we'll just kick him out" I said.

"(N/N), HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT??!" poor Satoshi was crying, I started giggling but he suddenly grabbed my hands, which caught me off guard as he stared right into my eyes.

"Don't you understand how much I love 'Polar Star' dormitory, and how much you mean to me?!" he asked. My heart felt like it suddenly stopped, and everything was tuned out. Satoshi's cyan orbs were teary, and something told me that they were screaming something at me, but I don't know what.

"Uh, Senpai...", "We're right here" I heard Yuki-Chan and Takumi-Kun say, snapping both of us out of daze. "What's improved?" Takumi-Kun asked as Satoshi wiped his tears away.

"Ah, right. Upon learning of the Shokugeki results, the Azami administration has made a new announcement. 'Central' has agreed to accept any Shokugeki challenge from an organization that is trying to overturn being shut down. Of course, the Shokugeki will be official and judges by neutral judges. It doesn't change the fact that the academy remains under 'Central' control, but Eizan-Kun's rigged match method has been shut down. You made this happen, Soma-Kun! You have brought the Shokugeki back to life! Thank you, Soma-Kun, for saving our home" Satoshi said with a bright smile.

I felt relieved, now Eizan won't be able to ruin any Shokugeki and everything will go fair and square. I scoffed at that thought, "Manipulating Shokugeki matches...serves him right!".

"Oh, there's no need to thank me. This place is important to me, too" Soma said, slightly blushing. How cute.

 How cute

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