Chapter 8: Surviving Training Camp (Pt.3)

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(Y/N's POV)

I kinda expected that we will at least get some rest, but someone announced that we should gather in the hall again in our school uniforms. So, me and Satoshi wore our uniforms and went ahead.

When we arrived, we were shocked. So many students were expelled because of these brutal trainings!

"The herd's really thinned out" Satoshi spoke, as I looked around. "Everyone's exhausted, of course..." I exclaimed, frowning. I noticed someone approaching us, and turned my head to see Eizan, Nene, and Terunori.

"What the hell could be going on at this time of night? This is ridiculous" Eizan remarked, annoyingly.

"I think there will be an announcement about our next task" Nene said, fixing her glasses. Terunori rolled his eyes, "it's what they always do".

"All eyes toward the stage!" we heard chef Dojima speak, and we all looked at him. "We had all of you gather here for one reason, and one reason only...To explain to you what tomorrow's task will be. The task will be to create a new breakfast menu worthy of being served to guests at Totsuki Resort. Breakfasts are the face of the hotel. It is an important meal that starts the guests' day. I'd like you all to suggest an innovative dish that will make a vibrant contribution to the breakfast table" he announced.

"Innovative dish..." I mused.

"The main ingredient will be the 'Oatmeal'. We won't restrict the cuisine genre, but the dish must be servable buffet style. The judging will begin at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. Prepare so that you're ready for tasting by then" chef Dojima continued. The other students looked shocked, but the ones standing next to me weren't fazed at all.

I've had my share in cooking breakfast, whether at home or at our diner. What difference a buffet could make?

"You may spend your time freely until morning. You may test recipes in the various kitchen facilities or get rest in your room. I'll see you all again in the morning, then. Dismissed!" the head chef finished and left the stage.

"No way!", "I'm already in pieces!", "My brain's barely working as it is!" the students whined while some of them were pulling their own hair.

"Heh, finally, they're giving us a real task. You just wait and see how I will ace this task with such ease!" Terunori stated with a confident smirk.

"You just let them see you behind the counter first, shrimp" Eizan snickered. "Fuck you! We'll see who'll have the last laugh when I succeed, and you will crawl your way back to Totsuki and get your ass expelled!" Terunori said as he pointed Eizan. The multicolour-haired boy then turned and left the room.

I sighed and looked over at Satoshi, "well, I guess we have to work extra hard, now. I know breakfast buffets lasts for a few hours". "You're right. Let's go test our recipes" Satoshi said, and I nodded.


Later in the kitchen...

(3rd Person's POV)

"Hmmm, what should I make? What should I make? Whenever I think oatmeal, I see a picture of oatmeal bowl covered with fresh fruits like strawberries, blueberries, banana slices, and topped with nuts and a little bit of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon for taste. But how else can I make an oatmeal dish? Maybe I should do a little research" you thought with a hand on your chin, then took out your phone and began searching.

"I have to make my dish balanced with all the nutrition needed in the human's body, plus I have to make it look presentable that suits a fancy hotel like Totsuki's" you mumbled to yourself while doing quick research.

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