Chapter 20: Spice Things Up

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(3rd Person's POV)

Third day of internship, nighttime...

"Man, you were a huge help today, too. It was a great idea to accept interns" Jiro spoke, happily. You were sweeping by the wall and your eyes caught a picture of the diner hanging on the wall.

"Is this a photo of your diner, Matsuda-San?" you asked. Jiro stood next to you, smiling as he rested his hands on his hips. "Yeah. It's from back when my father used to be the chef. It was the grand opening day when we took the picture. I remember how all the local regulars worshipped him" he explained.

"Your restaurant does make a great ramen, and you season your dishes carefully" you stated, smiling at the man. "Yeah. That's about the only thing I'm proud of. I want to try hard and work toward that ideal restaurant from the past" Jiro rubbed the back of his head, smiling sheepishly.

"But I don't know what I'll do when you kids leave" his smile dropped. You frowned at him, and put your finger on your chin, thinking.

"You need to hire at least three employees to help you around. It's better if you start hiring tomorrow, the sooner the better" you stated. Jiro sighed, "I guess I should. Thanks, kiddo. I'll go prepare a hiring announcement!". The man left to the back room, and you shook your head, smiling.

"Oi, Mochiduki, what are you doing slacking for while I'm doing all the cleaning??" Kuga glared.

"Alright, alright" you rolled your eyes, and continued sweeping. "But is this good enough?" you asked, making Kuga look at you.

"Leaving a visible mark...Is this what it means?". "What are you talking about? The program's going quite well" Kuga argued.

"Well, I guess. By the way, I wonder how the others are doing? I wonder what kind of restaurants they ended up in? Maybe one of them ended up a big and fancy restaurant! That'd be so cool!" you grinned with excitement.


Meanwhile, in another restaurant...

"Wonderful, chef! The dishes have been refined above and beyond what they used to be! The redesigned course menu is novel, and bold, too! Perfect! With this, you'll get a Micheline star next year for sure!" a food critique said, happily.

"Th-Thank you. It's an honour" the restaurant's chef said, stuttering. While the man was fuming on the inside, Eizan was clearly happy with all the changings he had done.

The glasses-wearing boy smirked as he pushed up his glasses, while the other employees stared nervously at him while he was cooking.

"Eizan-Sama, please check the taste!", "Eizan-Sama, sorry to keep you waiting on the prep work!" they said.

"Saucier, you're 50 seconds behind schedule" Eizan glared at the saucier. "I'm sorry!" the saucier said.

"Well done. Serve it to the customer" Eizan said. "Yes, sir!" another employee said, excitedly.

The head chef stood there with rage in his eyes as he saw his restaurant being taken over by some boy.

Except that he wasn't just some boy...

"Chef Kasayama. About the main dish...I believe the texture can be improved the if it is poached at a slightly lower temperature. There are about 12 other issues I'd like to discuss with you. So, let's have a business talk. Would that be alright?" Eizan smirked at the head chef.

The head chef gritted his teeth, groaning, but he didn't have any other choice but listen. "P-Please, do" he reluctantly bowed.


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