Chapter 4: A Taste of Spice

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up a little earlier today, somehow, I couldn't sleep because I was in a different place. If it's not my room, sleep will be hard for me. So, I had to force myself to sleep or else I'll never be able to focus at this school!

Me and Satoshi talked and talked and talked, it was amazing, haha! We even exchanged numbers before we headed to bed.

After getting off and made the bed, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair, and then I went downstairs.

Nobody's in the kitchen, I guess Fumio-San and Satoshi haven't woken up yet. The sun is slowly rising up into the sky, giving some faint light through the dark place.

Honestly, the place is gloomy because it only has 3 people live in it. I didn't even expect to live in a place like this, but who am I to complain? If I stayed in a fancy place, I'll probably end up being bullied by those obnoxious rich people!

Or even being tormented by Kuga...

He obviously hates me, and I don't even know why. I let out a breath and shake my head, "forget about him, (Y/N). You've got important things to do, which is cooking breakfast!".

I grabbed an apron that was hanging and started looking for more ingredients. I found some rice, and there were some eggs as well. Not many fresh fruits or vegetables, though.

I took out what's left in the kitchen and started cooking. Even made some coffee for Fumio-San. Ugh, the smell is so nice!



(Fumio-San's POV)

I was fixing my hair after I woke up when I suddenly started smelling something delicious.

"What's this? Is someone cooking? This early?" I asked myself, standing up from my vanity and opened my room's door and left. Walking down the hall, the scent was getting stronger, and my stomach started growling.

I smiled as I inhaled the scent, it's smells so good like it's singing a good morning song to me! When I reached the kitchen, I saw Mochiduki-Kun cooking the 'Tamagoyaki'.

"What're you doing cooking this early??" I asked with crossed arms. She flinched and looked at me, "ah, good morning, Fumio-San! I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to make breakfast for us".

I raised a brow, "did you find more ingredients?". "Well, I found rice and more eggs" she stated, merely shrugging. "We really should bring more food into the dorm" she added.

I sighed, "right...".



(3rd Person's POV)

Fumio-San offered to help you a little. After you two finished, the sun was already shining brighter. Looking at the clock, it was already 7:30am.

"Hmmm, shouldn't Satoshi be up by now?" you thought. "I'll go see if Satoshi's up yet" you spoke to Fumio-San.

"Don't need to, just call him from the mic over there" she pointed to an odd-looking metal mic. You raised a brow in question. "The mic is connected to all the dorm rooms, so whenever you need to call for someone, just talk to them through it" she added.

Your eyes became full of amusement and smiled, "wow...". "Satoshi! Are you up yet? Breakfast is ready!" you yelled, but he didn't response.

Fumio-San glanced at your direction, and you looked back at her with a confused look, shrugging.

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