Chapter 23: Autumn Leaf Viewing

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(Y/N's POV)

Me, Satoshi, and Fumio-San were taking care of our dormitory's farm since we were done with the 'Stagiaire', and I had to grow more herbs and spices for my recipes. The autumn leaves were falling beautifully as the slightly chilly breeze made them dance in the air before they touch the dirt.

Satoshi was wearing nothing but the traditional fundoshi, as he was taking care of the vegetable field, while Fumio-San was feeding the cow and the chickens.

"By the way, (N/N), would you like to check out the 'Research Societies' with me later? I've been thinking about joining one, and I thought that we could join a club together" Satoshi spoke.

"Huh? 'Research Societies'? What's that?" I asked, raising my brow. "They're mainly clubs which are founded by students on campus. Just like any other normal school, Totsuki has several clubs that students could join. However, here in Totsuki, all of the clubs are culinary-themed. They come in two forms: 'Research Societies', and 'Seminar'. The only difference between them being that 'Seminars' are led by lecturers, whereas the 'Research Societies' are student-driven" Satoshi explained.

"Wow! So, does that mean I can find a club that specializes in Japanese cuisine??" I asked, smiling excitedly. He nodded, smiling as well.

"Each club has its own culinary theme; some specialize in a broad range of cuisine from a certain part of the world, such as 'Japanese Cuisine RS', 'Western Cuisine RS', and so on. Some clubs only focus on a specific type of dish, such as 'Donburi RS'. Some clubs deal in the use of a specific ingredient, and there are some clubs that practice a certain cooking technique. The purpose of these clubs is to help students gain additional culinary knowledge, and experience outside of what they learn in class, as well as allowing them to experiment with the culinary arts and create new recipes. There's also 'Journalism Club', in which students are responsible for printing school news and events, and interviews with Shokugeki winners, and the elite ten" he clarified.

My eyes sparkled, "Woah...Now I really wanna check them out!".


The next day...

Me and Satoshi stood in front of a pretty large board that SO many papers!!

"HOW MANY CLUBS DOES THIS SCHOOL HAVE?!!" I mentally screeched.

Then, my eyes caught something.

"The 'Chinese Cuisine RS', founded by..." I mumbled, reading the paper.

My eyes shot open as I saw the name, "...Kuga Terunori?!". "W-Wait, when did Terunori created a club?! We finished the 'Stagiaire' not long ago!" I added, pointing at the board.

"Want to go check it out?" he asked, and I immediately nodded, which made him giggle. Once we arrived, my eyes were filled with shock.

 Once we arrived, my eyes were filled with shock

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