Chapter 41: Seeking Comfort

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(3rd Person's POV)

The two stood staring at each other, you had a smile on your face while Kuga had a shocked expression. He hadn't seen you the entire festival, and it was quite unexpected that you showed up now. His expression softened as he finally broke the awkward yet friendly silence.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I'm here to eat! Here, a ticket" you handed over a ticket. "We're closed, you know!" he retorted. "Oh, come on. Can't you serve one more customer who's a friend of yours?" she grinned. Kuga was taken aback by her words as he stared at her before looking down at the ticket in her hand.

"A friend...?" he pondered. Groaning after a moment, he took the ticket from her. "Fine, sit down" you smiled and took a seat, leaning on the table as you rested your chin on your hands.

Kuga was preparing the food quietly as the word 'friend' kept echoing in his mind. He scoffed at the thought, what, you think he doesn't have friends? Of course, he has friends!

He has-...uh...

Well, there'

Okay, he must have some friends! And who says it has to be human?? Could an animal, or a creature of some sort! He's definitely not friendly with Eizan nor Nene, and he's not quite fond of Satoshi! He doesn't talk much with Momo, Saito, or even Megishima! And he's basically running and hiding to avoid Rindou, and Tsukasa is his enemy!

The boy soon snapped out of his trance as he put the food on the plate before it was burnt and served it to you and sat across from you. Crossing his arms boredly, he let out a sigh as his wine eyes stared as you started digging in. You hummed with satisfaction at the delicious food, but quickly started sweating a ton due to how spicy it was. Waving your hand close to your face as your tongue was dangling from your plumpy pink lips, which amused the 8th seat as he let out a small laugh. Suddenly feeling better after seeing your reaction to his food.

Getting up from his seat, he left for a moment and then returned with a glass of water and set it right beside your plate.

"Thankth!" you said with your tongue out and drink the water to turn off the fire that was burning your throat. "So, I heard you got 2nd place in sales rankings yesterday" you stated as you took another bite of the 'Mapo Tofu'. Kuga scoffed, "Is that why you're here? To make fun of me?".

"Why would I do that?" you looked at him with a confused expression. "Jus-...You know, to get back at me for making fun of you!" he stuttered, mentally cursing himself for doing that.

"Terunori, there's nothing wrong with losing. Besides, a person must lose at least once in their life. If you didn't lose, that means that you won't be able to learn" you stated before shoving another spoonful of the 'Mapo Tofu' in your mouth, savouring the blissful taste.

Kuga blinked twice as he was stunned by your words, he opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out. Deep down, he knew that you were right, but he couldn't admit it. That would simply destroy his pride, he already lost his confidence to Tsukasa, now he has to lose his pride to you?! Yeah, no way. Clicking his tongue, he looked away to avoid this kind of conversation. Yet there's this urging feeling that kept nagging him in the head, as he secretly stole glances at you from behind his long blonde bang.


His hard gaze softened as he let out a breath before leaning on the table, resting his right cheek on his hand as he stared at you while you were trying to hold your hair up because of heat which caused a giggle to escape his throat. You noticed him staring at you with a smirk, but something felt different about his gaze. He wasn't staring at you with grimace or hatred, but he was staring...lovingly(?) at you. Luckily, your cheeks were already bright red from the spicy food, so Kuga wouldn't notice as you kept eating. Though you kept your purple-brown eyes on the exotic food, you could still feel his eyes on your every movement, which caused your heart rate to quicken.

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