Chapter 66: Insecurities

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Hehe, this day sure got here pretty fast" Soma smirked as he, Megumi, and Takumi were standing in front of the building where the 'BLUE' is going to be held. The moon was full and bright in the sky with stars shimmering alongside it while clouds were slowly floating as they passed by.

"Y-Yeah..." Megumi nervously agreed.

"The 'BLUE'...I guess this is where we're going to battle" Takumi exclaimed. "But man, to think it'd be held at a castle. That's awesome" Soma remarked, excitedly.

"Apparently, they used to hold this event at huge arenas, but it seems the contest is completely different this time" the blond stated.

"Hey, look over there!" Megumi pointed at one of the chefs with wide golden eyes. "He runs a two-star restaurant in Milan!".

"And over there is a chef who scored sweeping victories at various gourmet competitions in Shanghai. And people from New York, Lyon, and San Sebastian..." Takumi added.

"It's amazing that we're going to be participating alongside these people" Megumi exclaimed with a surprised face. "Despite that, you seem quite calm, Tadokoro-San" the blond said with a smile.

"You're on another level today, Tadokoro" Soma grinned.

"I'm real dang nervous. I drunk up the kanji for 'person' from my hand so many times since last week, I can't drink no more" the bluenette said while keeping the smile on her face, though one could sense her panicking on the inside.

"I'm not sure you should say that so gleefully, but alright" Takumi sweat dropped.

"I thank you all for gathering here today" Anne spoke on the large screen, earning everybody's attention. "From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on making it to the 'BLUE'. The ones who began the 'BLUE' and ran it until today are the World Gourmet Organization, or WGO. This 'BLUE', however, will be run a little differently. And today, our boss, who supervises all of us bookmen, will explain the contest herself" she then pointed at a person behind the curtains.

"What a delightful evening. I am the WGO Book Master. This castle consists of three gates, then the castle keep, and finally, the castle tower where I currently preside. The victor of this 'BLUE' shall be decided in the castle tower. In order to get to the castle tower, you must overcome the culinary trial that awaits at each gate. Struggle and make your way here, young chefs. It appears that all of the actors are in their places" the Book Master explained.

Suddenly, a group of black cloak wearing people appeared, and took off their cloaks, revealing bizarre looking chefs.

And in the center stood Saiba Asahi...

Or the teacher that you grew fond of.



(Y/N's POV)

"I hope that Soma, Megumi-Chan, and Takumi-Kun are doing well" I thought, sighing as I was sitting in the living room of our dormitory.

"Do you think they started the competition?" Yoshino-Kun asked, worriedly. "They must have" Sakaki-Kun answered.

"I can't help but feel anxious about this" Marui-Kun stated, as everyone else sat in silence. I know that they're worried just as much as I am, but this silence is not making things any easier!

"Everyone, let's go and cheer for them!" suddenly, Satoshi announced with a huge grin on his face, his hands on his hips as he stood like a hero.

"WHAT?!!" everyone screamed with shocked faces.

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