Chapter 62: Why I love You

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(3rd Person's POV)

It was weekend now, and you were in your room back home, getting ready to go out with Kuga. You wore a simple black poplin midi dress with square neckline, and black block-heeled sandals. Your hair was done in a low bun with some pearl pins as decoration, and light makeup. Humming a song as you put on the necklace, and adjusted your dress in front of the mirror until you heard a knock.

"Come in" you said, and the door opened, and you saw your mother's reflection in the mirror.

"(Y/N)? It's 7:00pm, why are you all dressed up?" Hana asked with raised brows. You flinched since you haven't told your parents about your date, let alone having a boyfriend in the first place!

"Oh, uh, well...Actually, mom, I'm kind of going on" you answered with a blush. Hana gasped and her eyes went sparkly, "YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE?!".

"Shhh! Mom, lower your voice!" you whisper-shouted. "What's going on here?" you heard your dad walk in, a worried expression was on his face but quickly disappeared as soon as he saw you all dressed up.

"Uhh...(Y/N)? Why are you wearing a dress?" he crossed his arms as he eyed you suspiciously. You sweat dropped and played with your fingers nervously.

"Honey, our little girl said she's going on a date! Isn't that great? So, who's the lucky boy? Tell me everything!" she held your hands excitedly. You giggled nervously.

"Why haven't you told us about this date?" Hiroshi asked, he sounded upset, which made you look at him and frown. "I...I was going to tell you, but I didn't know how" you looked away, anxiously.

"What's his name?" Hana asked, smiling.

"Terunori" you answered, rubbing your arm. "We're going on a dinner date tonight, but before we leave, he said that he wants to meet you guys. You know, to formally introduce himself".

"Oh, how elegant of him! I can't wait to meet your boyfriend" Hana winked at you, which made your cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"Yeah, we'll see about that..." Hiroshi muttered to himself. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, that must be him! Come on, sweetheart!" Hana squealed as she grabbed your hand and dragged you out of your room, followed by your dad and went downstairs to open the door.

You took a deep breath as you stood in front of the door, and then grabbed the doorknob and swung it open to reveal the multi-color haired boy wearing a white suit, a purple shirt under it, and a dark red necktie. He held a beautiful bouquet of flowers in one of his arms, while his free hand was buried in his pocket.

"Teru..." you breathed, smiling wholeheartedly.

"You look gorgeous" Kuga remarked with a smile as he couldn't take his eyes off of you. That is until he heard someone clear their throat, making you flinch.

"Oh, right! Uh, Teru, meet my parents. Mochiduki Hiroshi, and Hana" you introduced them. Kuga smiled brightly at them and bowed, "It's nice to meet you. My name's Kuga Terunori, (Y/N)'s classmate at Totsuki academy, and the current 3rd seat of the elite ten".

Hiroshi and Hana's eyes widened. "Oh my, that's amazing! It's so nice to meet you too, Kuga-San" Hana smiled widely.

"Kuga...The Kuga family who own the most successful Chinese restaurants in Japan?!" Hiroshi put a hand on his chin as he recalled the last name. While Kuga handed the flowers to Hana as she sniffed it happily.

"That's right, sir" Kuga confirmed. "Aww, these flowers are lovely! Aren't they, dear?" Hana asked her husband. You sighed internally as things were going well between your parents and your boyfriend.

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