Chapter 38: Fight Fire with Fire

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(3rd Person's POV)

"So, how did the 'Autumn Leaf Viewing' go, chief?" Tsukiyo asked with a smile, serving Kuga his tea while he was watching the recruits do the dry rise tossing.

"It was a complete joke! And get this, one of them wanted to do a Shokugeki with us so he can join the elite te-he-he-he-en! I SWEAR I ALMOST LOST IT! WHAT A MORON!! HE THINKS IT'S SO EASY TO JUST SWOOP IN AND JOIN THE ELITE TEN! HAHAHA!" Kuga burst out laughing.

"Ah...hehe..." Tsukiyo played along awkwardly. "W-Who asked for a Shokugeki?" she dared to ask.

"That wannabe Yukihira Soma" Kuga answered, and her eyes widened. Of course, everyone in the entire academy knows Yukihira Soma. His speech was quite irritating to them, but when you think about it, he wasn't wrong. Most Totsuki students never dealt with customers on a daily basis like Soma did ever since he was little. Though Totsuki provides practical training such as the camp from hell, it's nothing compared to the real-life experience.

"Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup!" the trainees repeated as they moved in unison perfectly.

"I must say, Tsuki-Chin, you really made a very impressive progress in managing the RS while I'm gone. Everything is well organized. I guess I was right in making you my right-hand gal" Kuga praised, smirking. Tsukiyo grinned as she hugged her wooden clipboard where she registers the entire recruits progress.

"Thank you so much, chief!" she beamed. Kuga slightly blushed as her smile made his heartbeats accelerate, he could stare at her all day and night, but he had work to do. He cleared his throat and held the speaker up to his lips.

"Okay, one, two! One, two! Good, good, good! Keep it going!" he yelled while Tsukiyo was taking notes. Kuga then noticed one of the recruits slowing down.

"HEY, YOU THERE! YOU FALTERED! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" he angrily shouted at the worker. "M-My apologies, chief!" the worker said, nervously.

"You idiot! How could you possibly manage to do good work at the festival?! Okay, this is about group responsibility. Everyone do another set of 30. Okay? Go!" he switched from his playful side to his serious one.

Tsukiyo then noticed two figures standing at the RS's entrance and approached them. Her once smiling face vanished like it never existed as one of the figures was the first year Miyoko, standing next to Yukihira Soma. The red head noticed the approaching platinum-blonde haired girl, who somehow looked vaguely familiar to him as if he had met her or seen her before. A hint of curiosity grew in his mind, but he didn't get the chance to even ask himself as the girl spoke.

"May I help you two?" Tsukiyo asked, plainly.

"Oh, hey! We just came here to watch what you all are doing!" Soma said, casually. Which made Tsukiyo narrow her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"Excuse me? This isn't a circus" she spat. Kuga glanced back as he heard them, and immediately approached them.

"Take it easy, Tsuki-Chin, let me take it from here" he placed his hands on the girl's shoulders, and gently pushed her aside. "Miyoko-Chin! What's going on? Are you finally going to join the 'Research Society'?" he asked, excitedly as he stared at the purple-haired girl who had absolutely no interest in him. Tsukiyo bit her lower lip and clenched on her wooden clipboard, if she put more pressure on it, it would probably snap.

"No" Miyoko answered, firmly. "Ahaha! I knew that! Well, you're welcome to join any time!" Kuga chuckled, then his face turned into a dull one as soon as he faced Soma.

"How about never?" Tsukiyo thought, glaring.

"And who's that with you-...uh, was it Yukihira-Chin? What are you here for?".

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