Chapter 11: And the Winner is...

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(3rd Person's POV)

Ever since the Shokugeki declaration between you and Hiroto, the word spread around the entire academy quickly. Some students think that you might win. However, unfortunately for you, most students believe that Hiroto will defeat you with ease like he always did in his previous Shokugekis, which may conclude the whole thing with your expulsion or something.

At first, it didn't seem to be like such a big deal to you, but because of the rumours going around and the constant glances you've been getting, it kinda got under your skin. Luckily, since Satoshi offered his help to you creating a Western dish before the day of the Shokugeki, you were thrilled! So, as soon as the two of you returned to the 'Polar Star' dormitory, you got busy.

Day 1, in the dormitory's kitchen...

"So, what are you planning to cook?" Satoshi asked. Oddly enough, he was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.

"Well, I'm not really sure...since the theme is 'Western Cuisine', maybe I can make a hamburger" you exclaimed with furrowed brows.

"Isn't that a little typical?" the brown-haired boy crossed his arms. "Huh?" you looked at him.

"'Western Cuisine' is originated from classic French fare. We, as chefs, must know that all cuisines are affected by many factors such as a customer's changing taste buds, cultural influences, divergence, and food trends. In the 'Western Cuisines' case, the first thing you need to know that is trending in 'Western Cuisine' is the sauces. Though many kinds of sauces are created every day, the tomato sauce, bechamel, espagnole, velouté, and the hollandaise sauces are the main ones in the 'Western Cuisine'. Second is the plating, which is starting the food with the appetizers, main course, and then end it with desserts. And lastly, the Nordic trend; It emphasis on fresh, local ingredients, innovative cooking techniques, and bold flavours. This trend affects the 'Western Cuisine' worldwide with its food principles and cooking techniques. Hamburgers aren't the only thing that exists in the 'Western Cuisine', regardless of it being one of the popular dishes. If you want to win this Shokugeki, you need to think deep and come up with something that's new and get everyone's attention" Satoshi explained.

Though your jaw dropped 5 minutes ago because of how shocked you are that Satoshi knew all this stuff. Quite the chef he is.

"Th-Then..." you stammered, not knowing what to do or say anymore. Satoshi giggled and took out his phone, "how about we do a little research? Let's take a look at some dishes for inspiration".

"O-Okay!" you immediately agreed and took out your phone as well and started searching, taking notes from here and there.

30 minutes later...

"You kids done yet? I need to start dinner now!" Fumio-San walked in with crossed arms, then she raised her brows in surprise, seeing that you looked exhausted.

"So...much...information...So...many...dishes..." you muttered, stars were swarming around your head.

"Well, let's wrap it up for today, okay? Tomorrow, you need to decide on the dish you want to cook so you can practice it" Satoshi suggested. "Okay..." you tiredly nodded.

"Come on, let's help Fumio-San make dinner" he said, standing up and walked towards Fumio-San who was busy chopping the ingredients.


Day 2...

(Y/N's POV)

"Alright, I wrote a list of Western dishes I could cook. Now, to choose which one and start cooking it. I can't waste any more time!" I thought after I checked my notes.

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