Chapter 12: When the Trees Turn Red

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(3rd Person's POV)

It was an exciting, glorious day the moment your name appeared on the battle arena's big screen. Though you didn't really expect that, but considering what Hiroto did to you...


"And the winner is...Mochiduki (Y/N)!!!". Your eyes widened and a big smile grew on your face, squealing happily.

"WHAT?!!" Hiroto screeched, angrily. "You've gotta be kidding me! How did her dish defeat my amazing 'Wiener Schnitzel'?!".

"Oh, you would've won, Sato-Kun..." one of the judges spoke, earning the burgundy's attention. "But, you cheated" the judge added.

Hiroto's eyes widened as the audience gasped and started whispering and yelling in disbelief. "Ch-Cheated?! No, I didn't! Do you have any proof?!" Hiroto asked, glaring daggers at the judges.

"Actually, there is proof, Sato-Senpai. Look up!" the boy with mic then pointed at the screen, showing a footage of Hiroto tripping you as he walked past you. The audience went wild and screamed with rage and booed him.

The dark red head fell on his knees in defeat, gritting his teeth as he got what he deserved.

*End of Flashback*

...Hiroto lost his reputation.

After that, Satoshi invited Nene, Eizan, and Kuga to celebrate your first Shokugeki win at the 'Polar Star' dormitory. Unfortunately, Kuga refused, saying that he never eats anything that'll 'ruin' his tastebuds.

"How in the hell are you two living in this dump??" Eizan asked, irritatingly.

"It's actually very homey" Satoshi stated with a smile. "Acho!" you sneezed, which Nene saw. "Yeah, obviously" she raised her glasses, calmly. Sarcasm was dripping from her words.

"Well, it could use some cleaning from all the dusts" you said, holding a tissue. Suddenly, a lightbulb popped on top of your head.

"Oh! Oh! Satoshi, how about we give our dorm a little décor?? I just LOVE decorating!!" you screamed, excitedly.

"Putting a plant and an ugly rug is not decorating" Eizan cruelly stated, which made you shocked.

"Haha! That'll be a great idea, that is if Fumio-San doesn't mind. What do you think, Fumio-San?" Satoshi asked, looking at her.

"Do whatever you want. I guess this place needs to get liven up a little bit" Fumio-San crossed her arms.

You squealed with excitement which caused Satoshi to chuckle, while Nene and Eizan didn't look so amused at the moment.


On the weekend...

(Y/N's POV)

"And then I won!" I yelled, cheerfully after telling my parents about my first Shokugeki like a little kid jumping up and down and waving my arms around.

My parents chuckled at my excitement, and dad ruffled my hair. "I'm proud of you, my little smurf!" he said, smiling widely.

"Who would've known that our little girl could defeat an opponent who never lost before?? This calls for a celebration! I'll make a feast for tonight!" mom exclaimed, wiping a happy tear.

"Oh, I think we ran out of some ingredients" dad informed. "I'll get them!" I volunteered, smiling, and he looked at me.

"Really? You just got here, aren't you tired?" he asked, raising his brow. "It's okay. Just tell me what I should bring" I said.

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