Chapter 72: Full Moon (FINAL)

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(3rd Person's POV)

It's been a few years since you graduated from Totsuki. Your family's diner was flourishing, your recipe book was a hit as several copies had been sold just like you had hoped. Soma returned a few months after you graduated, and now he's taking over Yukihira's which you visit every now and then.

"Mom, two 'Negima Yakitori Donburi' for table 3!" you yelled after taking the orders, today was as busy as always, but the three of you managed.

"Coming right up!" Hana said. "(Y/N), I need you for the 'Soba'!" Hiroshi called. "Coming!" you hurried to the kitchen and started preparing the orders.

Wiping a beat of sweat after finishing cooking and serving the customers, you stood with your hands on your hips as everybody was enjoying their food, chatting, and giggling sometimes with your parents since some of the customers were regulars. There was a table that just became empty as the customers left the money, which you picked up, along with the dirty dishes, and cleaned the table. Then restaurant's door opened and walked in two more customers.

"Hi! Welcome to-...Soma?! Yukihira-San?!" you stopped mid-sentence as you saw Soma and Joichiro.

"Hey, (Y/N)-Senpai!", "Hi, (Y/N)" the two smiled. "What brings you guys here?" you asked, eagerly.

"Well, we came here to eat, of course. Remember, I told you that I'll come and eat at your place" the red head answered with a grin.

"Well, you guys are more than welcome! Come with me, I'll take you to your seats" you guided them to the empty table and handed them their menus.

"Joichiro, you're here! Welcome to our restaurant!" Hiroshi beamed as he and Hana approached the table. "Hi, Hiroshi. How are things with you guys?" Joichiro asked.

"It's going great!" Hana replied, excitedly.

"I heard that you published a recipe book, Senpai" Soma looked at you. "Yup. I thought I should do something of my own" you answered, rubbing the back of your neck shyly.

"Seriously?! That's awesome! I'm gonna buy it!" the red head grinned. "Haha, thank you! I'll even give you an autograph if you want!" you giggled.




(Y/N's POV)

"Thank you for coming!" I bowed to the last customers before closing the door, and we started cleaning up the tables, and washing the dishes.

"Man, what a day" I mumbled, tiredly.

"You did great, my little smurf" dad praised while wiping one of the tables. "Thanks, dad. I can't wait to take a nice, hot shower and go to bed" I said.

Once we were done with our work, we closed down and returned home. I went upstairs and took out clean clothes from my closet and went to the bathroom, stripped out of my clothes, and turned the hot water on, letting it glide down my body. I let out a breath of satisfaction as I felt my muscles relax like I was getting a massage.

After I was done, I turned off the water and wrapped my body with my towel, and another one for my hair. I dried myself, wore my clean clothes, and did my nightly skin routine before lying on my bed.

I wanted to check my phone to see if there were any messages or missed calls from Teru...

But nothing.

I hadn't heard from him for a whole month. Ever since our last date, he was distant. He ignores my texts; he never answers when I call him. It was making me anxious, I thought that I did something that made him mad. But when I thought about it several times, I never did anything that was bad! But, I also thought that he must be so busy with his successful restaurant, so I shouldn't bother him so much. His restaurant's a hit, there's always a long line right outside the building just like it had during the 'Moon Festival'!

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