Chapter 64: Blue & Fire

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(Kuga's POV)

"The W.G.O has officially gotten word about the 'BLUE'. According to the announcement, 3 representatives from Totsuki academy may enter. What we need to figure out is who those 3 are going to be" Nakiri-Chin announced in the meeting room where we, the elite ten, are gathered.

"Alright! I'm gonna do it! It's the competition that my dad was supposed to be in, and I'm the 1st seat!" Yukihira-Chin volunteered with his usual grin.

"Hush your mouth! Since the three who'll fit the spots were not appointed by the W.G.O, we will let the whole school compete for them, as we should" Nakiri-Chin stated.

"Oh? Are you planning on competing in the 'BLUE'?" the other Nakiri-Chin asked. "I've been invited outside of those three spots. I'm already competing" Nakiri-Chin answered.

"What?! No fair!" the other Nakiri-Chin and Yukihira-Chin yelled simultaneously. I silently rolled my eyes at their reaction.

"I can't blame you for finding that unfair. But I must compete in the 'BLUE' no matter what" Nakiri-Chin said.

"So, if I compete in the 'BLUE', I'll be able to compete against you too, Nakiri" Yukihira-Chin said, cheerfully.

"I'm the one who's gonna compete in the 'BLUE'!" Kurokiba stated in his grumpy mood. "It doesn't look like they'll be picking from the top-ranking elite ten" Hayama added as he sniffed his cinnamon stick.

"Well, if it was determined by dirty money, Eizan'd have no competition" I smirked. "And if we're going by the shrimpiest, you'd reign supreme, Kuga" the bastard snarled, and we started growling at each other.

"Haha, I guess we'll have to figure out a way we're all satisfied with" Isshiki said, I stopped growling at Eizan and ignored his presence as I listened to the others. "We have to prepare for the 'Autumn Elections', too, so we don't have much time" Kinokuni said.

"Sounds like there're a lot of things to do..." I thought, crossing my arms.

"So, who are we going to pick, and how?" Takumi-Chin asked. "Yeah" Yukihira-Chin nodded.

"Of course, Erina-Sama has already figured this out. I will be participating, as well" secretary girl answered.

"All will be settled the day after tomorrow in what I call...the 'BLUE Preliminaries'" Nakiri-Chin announced. "Dismissed".

We all got up all hyped for the 'Blue Preliminaries', I should probably go inform (Y/N)-Chin at the 'Chinese Cuisine RS'.

But first...

"Isshiki, you got a minute?" I asked. "Sure" he smiled at me, and I told him to come with me to my office. Once we were in, I closed the door and looked at him.

"Is there something on your mind?" he asked, sitting on the couch. "Actually, I have two things I'd like to talk to you about" I replied, sitting across from him. "About the 'Team Shokugeki'...(Y/N)-Chin told me that you didn't let her participate with everyone else. What's that all about?".

"Oh, I guess she told you, huh?" Isshiki sweat dropped with a crooked smile before it faded. "Well, the reason I didn't want her to participate in the 'Team Shokugeki' is because...I wanted to protect her".

I raised a brow at him, "Protect her? From what exactly?".

"She wouldn't be able to go through the first bout, Kuga. The elite ten, our Senpais, they're too strong for her. And she wasn't strong enough to go against an elite ten. I know that she won that one Shokugeki against that second-year when we were first years, but...I was just worried" Isshiki answered, he frowned at the last part.

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