Chapter 42: Lunar Eclipse

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(Tsukiyo's POV)

"Wh-...What?" I couldn't help but ask, I just couldn't believe what I just heard. What's going on with him?!

"We never went on one" he repeated, simply. "Teru, stop joking around! This isn't funny!" I said, sternly as I glared at him. This has got to be some sort of a prank he's doing to me!

"Excuse me, do I look like a person who has too much time on their hands to prank around?! What is the matter with you??" he glared back at me. "I should be asking you this question! Terunori, we went on a dinner date 3 days ago, don't you remember?! You were wearing a tux, we sat on a table and had delicious 'Chow Mein' that wasn't even spicy!" I was starting to lose it.

"Well, that doesn't sound like me at all! Why would I serve a non-spicy 'Chow Mein'?? Where's the fun when no one is sweating a ton and begs for mercy!" he snarled. I was going to open my mouth to retort, but suddenly we got interrupted by someone's voice.

"Teru-Kun, darling!" a soothing voice of a girl called, Teru turned around and my eyes followed to see...a very beautiful girl approaching. She had the most beautiful, lush, and long light-brown hair. Her skin was glowing and looked so smooth, her lips naturally full and soft. She had light-hazel eyes that looked quite alluring so one could stare at them forever as her lashes were full. And her body looked as if an angel had carved her, she was a bit taller than Terunori, though. But she wasn't wearing our school uniform, her jacket was black and had the logo of another school.

My eyes then quickly looked at Terunori and saw that he was smiling fondly at the girl, which made my heart sink.

"Oh, hey, dear" he said to her, I clenched my hands and felt my whole body go stiff. The strange girl stood in front of him before asking. "I heard commotion, is everything alright?".

"Oh, no, no, no! Just a simple misunderstanding, haha!" he denied, chuckling casually. She then looked at me, and then she locked arms with him!

"Darling, who's this?" she asked, obviously glaring at me. "Who is she??" I asked, looking straight at him.

"Ah, right! Tsuki-Chin, say hi to Shuen Luna, she goes to an all-girls academy so that's why her uniform is different. She' fiancée" he introduced. "Luna, this is Hisoka Tsukiyo, a part of the 'Chinese Cuisine RS', and my right-hand gal who I can count on whenever I'm not around" he smiled.

My eyes widened in shock. I suddenly felt myself go nauseous, my heart felt like coming out of my mouth, I was so speechless as if my tongue had been ripped out. My body felt unusually cold as I started shivering like I just went to the coldest place on earth then returned.

Even her name is beautiful!

"Is that so? It's a pleasure to meet you, Hisoka-Chan!" she said ever so lady-like with the brightest smile she could put on. I didn't respond to her as I was still deep in shock of what I'm seeing and what I'm hearing at the moment. Suddenly, Terunori placed his hand on my forehead, causing me to flinch and look to see him with a concerned face.

"Are you okay, Tsuki-Chin? You look pale" he asked. "You must be tired from all the responsibilities that's been on your shoulders ever since before the 'Moon Festival', I guess I wasn't around here that much. Why don't you leave for today and get some rest?".

"Oh, that's so thoughtful of you, darling!" that Luna girl beamed, nuzzling into his neck lovingly.

I can't take this anymore!

My feet started sprinting to get me out of the RS as quickly as possible! I heard Terunori call for me, but I wanted to get out of there! I ran and ran and ran to God knows where and God knows how far I went as all I ever saw was tears drowning my eyes and streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall!

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