Chapter 24: The Day the Deceitful Moon Appeared

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(3rd Person's POV)

After a while, the arena was full of wild cheering for as this Shokugeki is no ordinary one between two ordinary students.

It was one between a talented student against the 1st seat of the elite ten...

Kuga Terunori vs. Tsukasa Eishi.

When you and Satoshi arrived, the battle had already started, and the decided topic was 'Shrimp'. Kuga was cooking with a determinant look on his face, as if he knew that he would win this match.

Scratch that, he will win this match.

While Tsukasa...he was calm.

Too calm as he cooks.

It made you raise a brow as you watched him intently, still standing at the entrance. Satoshi noticed you not following and turned to you.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" he asked, frowning. Snapping you out of your trance, you shook your head and looked at his cyan-blue eyes. "Oh...Yeah" you spoke.

The two of you sat down next to the other selected winners, and the elite ten members who were busy focusing on the match, except for Rindou. She had to go to South America and left as soon as the leaf viewing was over. The place was full as, of course, nobody would miss the opportunity to witness a great Shokugeki that involved an elite ten member. Even the teachers were here!

And obviously, one of the judges was director Senzaemon, sitting in the middle of four other judges that also included chef Dojima.

"It's done! Have Kuga Terunori's 'Chinese Spicy Garlic Shrimp'!" Kuga served his dish proudly. The dish looked delicious and hot, especially the shrimps.

The judges stared in awe at Kuga's dish, as if it was casting a spell on them to eat it. A blast of aromatic scent burst through their nostrils, making them drool as if they were hypnotized.

"The fragrance of the garlic and pepper, what a distinctive and intense aroma" chef Dojima commented, smiling.

"First, I pan-fried the shrimps in a pan and cooked it for 2 minutes until it turns golden. Then, in the same pan, I added the chopped garlic after removing the shrimp, and sauteed them before combining them together. Once it was done, I prepared the fish sauce, and added Sichuan pepper for heat and extra flavour!" Kuga explained, grinning.

"Oooh, it looks so delicious!" one of the judges exclaimed happily. "Let us begin evaluating" director Senzaemon said with crossed arms.

The judges then grabbed their chopsticks and started eating the shrimps.


"IT'S HOT!!!" they screamed with fire coming out of their mouths!

"B-But...It's tastes amazing! The fish sauce and the pepper created a bomb of flavour to the shrimps!" one of the judges said. "The shrimp on the outside is crispy, while moist on the inside. Every bite of this dish is like eating fire, yet you can't stop yourself from eating more! It's like you're forced to eat it!" another judge added.

"LOOK!" one of the students screamed, pointing at the judges.

"DIRECTOR SENZAEMON IS BARE-CHESTED!!" the student shouted, and your eyes widened at the sight. The crowds cheered loudly for Kuga as he managed to make the director go bare-chested. Though he had done it before, but this match is a lot different than the 'Autumn Elections'.

"Is he really going to win this Shokugeki??" you couldn't help but think.

You then saw Tsukasa Eishi approach the judges with his dish ready to serve. His expression was blank, yet cold. So cold that one could feel the freezing air that would make their body shiver.

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