Chapter 52: Fight for Your Right to Cook

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(3rd Person's POV)

"What are you doing here?" Kuga asked, plainly.

"Ara, is it inappropriate for a girl to see her fiancée early in the morning?" Luna giggled, sitting down on the small couch in his dorm room. "Besides, Teru, our parents' business will grow and become more successful if both families unified. We don't want to disappoint them, now do we?".

Kuga clicked his tongue; his back was facing the girl as he grabbed his uniform's jacket and put it on. His workers noticed how moody he had become lately, which concerned them quite a lot. Yet, none of them had the courage to say anything in fear to piss him off more than he already was.

"Especially when one of us spends time with another person-..." Luna suddenly said, clearly trying to start a fire.

"That's ENOUGH!!" Kuga spat, glaring at the girl who had a calm expression on her face. "I am so sick and tired of you bringing that-...up! Over and over again! Would you just let it go?!" he raised his voice, and slowly approached her.

"I won't let it go until you learn your mistake!" Luna stood up, now feeling angry herself. "Oh, so to learn my lesson you keep bringing up the damn past?!" Kuga hissed.

"I wouldn't have to bring up anything if you hadn't been sneaking out to meet her at night!" Luna retorted.

"WELL, MAYBE MY MISTAKE IS AGREEING TO BE ENGAGED TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU!!" Kuga roared, and Luna's eyes widened. Silence fell into the room as no other sound was alive at the moment. The graceful lady lowered her head, her breathing was shallow as she gritted her teeth.


Kuga said nothing except glaring at her.

"She lied to you...She deceived you...And yet, you're still defending her" her voice cracked, and she clenched her hands. The former 8th seat stared at her with emotionless eyes before grabbing his phone.

"I'm leaving to school, show yourself out" and with that, he left his room without another word. Luna's breathing was ragged as she felt the anger in her rise like a volcano that was about to erupt.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" she screamed as she felt frustration squeezing her head like an orange, Luna stomped her foot on the ground as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I hate this! I hate it! I hate! I HATE IT!" she mentally yelled.

"I hate...her!".



Walking down the hallway at the elite ten building, making his to a certain elite ten member's office when he suddenly heard someone talking to him from behind.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to come crawling back? How does it feel losing your seat to someone worthy of being a chef, Kuga?" Eizan sneered. Kuga's eyebrow twitched, but he remained calm as he turned around, smirking at the tall glasses boy.

"I wouldn't speak if I were you, Eizan. After all, Yukihira-Chin did an amazing job crushing you in that Shokugeki!".

Eizan's expression darkened as he was on the verge of losing it! He was clearly fuming as he still hadn't let it slide, Kuga took pride that he hit a sensitive spot in Eizan's mind as he turned away and left the manipulative boy dealing with his rage. The former 8th seat kept walking until he reached the office, he opened the door and footsteps marched towards him. Suddenly a hand grabbed his cheek and pinched it harshly.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Kuga groaned in pain.

"Hey, Kuga! How dare you ignore my calls?! Don't be a sulky brat!" Rindou scolded, angrily. Kuga groaned as he pushed her hand away, rubbing his now red cheek.

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