Chapter 14: Autumn Elections (Pt.2)

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(3rd Person's POV)

The judges hummed as they stared intently at your dish, while you kept maintaining a steady breath. Heart beating so fast it felt like it's about to jump out of your chest and run away with little feet!

"'Donburi' is simply a rice-bowl meal, topped with vegetables, meat, or seafood. But you've chosen venison meat, despite of the possibility that the meat could taste gamey if not cooked correctly" one of the judges stated. "But I am quite curious on how a Totsuki student handled this meat. Let us taste, shall we?" he added, taking a spoonful of the 'Donburi', followed by the other judges and took a bite.



"It's so tender!", "The meat doesn't taste gamey at all!" they commented with wide eyes. "W-What did you do?? Did you use honey? Pineapple juice?? Wine??" judge (3) eagerly asked.

"Nope! I used buttermilk!" you casually said with a smile.

"BUTTERMILK???!" everyone screamed.

"That's right. I soaked the venison meat in buttermilk for an hour to remove the gaminess before I cooked it. The acid in the buttermilk helps tenderizing the meat, while also cooking the meat in low temperature will leave you with an incredibly juicy, tender cut meat. If the meat is not cooked properly, the connective tissue will become rubbery and unpleasant. After soaking the meat, I pat dried it and heated the pan. Once the pan was hot enough, I added the oil and started frying it, then added the spices which included thyme, rosemary, salt, black pepper, bay, and star anise" you explained.

"Such an astonishing taste!" judge (4) cried with joy whilst eating. "The rice used for this dish is Basmati rice, it comes from the foothills of the Himalayas. It's also known as 'prince of rice', it fills your mouth with a rich, buttery taste!" judge (2) added, excitedly.

"THIS DISH MAKES US FEEL LIKE ROYALTIES!!!" the judges screamed with flushed, happy faces, imagining themselves as royals.

"And now, for our judges votes..." Suzuki spoke, as everyone stared intently at the screen. You froze in your place, and subconsciously shut your eyes.


The sudden silence was bringing anxiety to you, which resulted in slight trembling of your hands. Slowly opening your eyes, you softly gasped after seeing the screen in front of you.


As if the silence was destroyed, the students screamed with praise. Feeling so relieved, you nearly passed out but managed to pull yourself together and smiled wildly.

On the screen, you were marked in 2nd place, while 1st place was Satoshi, and Kuga was 3rd place. After a while, another winner joined the board with a score of 96.

Meanwhile, in hall B. Nene took 1st place with a score of 98, and Eizan scoring 97, taking 2nd place. Joined by two more students who scored high as well.


Later at 'Polar Star' dormitory...

(Y/N's POV)

Fumio-San wanted to celebrate my and Satoshi's victory for passing the prelims, and we invited Nene, Eizan, and Terunori.

This time, he actually came. Weird...

"You did amazing at the prelims, (Y/N)" Satoshi said, smiling. I giggled as he patted my head.

"I don't see why you're celebrating when we just started. If you're forgetting, we still have the main tournament" Eizan remarked with a mocking smirk.

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