Chapter 43: Revolution Fever

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(3rd Person's POV)

As it turns out for Tsukiyo, Erina had fled from home by the help of her cousin and her friend, Hisako asked the girl to stay for a few minutes to explain to everyone the whole story. Hisako then requested Tsukiyo and everyone else not to say anything to anyone. The 'Polar Star' residents, however, were a little reluctant to accept such a request due to the fact that Erina is literally the daughter of the academy's director, but eventually accepted so long that Erina doesn't leave the dormitory so nobody catches her.

"Um, thank you for the bath. I'm grateful" Erina bowed after finishing her bath. She then raised her head to be met with a sobbing crowd.

"NAKIRI-SAN!!!" they screeched, which made Erina look confused.


"Erina-Chi?!" Erina questioned in disbelief, pointing at herself.

"Nakiri-Kun, Tsukiyo-Chan, have you eaten?" Satoshi asked with a smile, oddly enough, he was wearing clothes. "Oh, not yet" Erina answered.

"Then this is great timing! EVERYONE, WE HAVE SPECIAL GUESTS AT 'POLAR STAR' DORMITORY! LET'S THROW A BIG PARTY!" Satoshi shouted happily.

"YEAH!" the others cheered.

"But first, Tsukiyo-Chan, go on and take your bath" Satoshi turned to the platinum-blonde haired girl. Tsukiyo then looked down and saw that she hadn't taken her bath yet. "Oh, right! I'll go right now. And thank you again" she bowed before hurrying upstairs. Megumi offered her some clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Relaxing in the hot tub, Tsukiyo let out several deep breaths and meditate. However, the picture of the two engaged couple kept showing in her head as if it was torturing her, which made her heart ache and her eyes burned with tears. She sniffled even though she had been crying for hours, but it seemed that her chest was backed up with so much pain that only crying was the way to release everything. After about 30 minutes of sobbing, Tsukiyo got out of the tub and went to the sink, wiping the blurry mirror with her hand to see a face with puffy eyes and a red nose. She looked terrible, and the residents would probably question her, and she doesn't want to answer anything. Suddenly, she sneezed and coughed, she felt her forehead and it seemed to her that she had a slight fever. Well, at least there is an excuse if somebody asked her if she was okay. Drying her body and hair, Tsukiyo wore the warm clothes Megumi gave her and let her hair down, then left the bathroom.

"Tsukiyo-Chan" a voice called her, making her flinch and look to her right to see the 7th seat with a gentle smile. "Food is ready. I made you something that would help you with the cold" Satoshi said.

"Oh, thank you" she forced a smile, the two stayed quiet for a moment before Satoshi asked.

"Why were you crying?".

The sudden question shocked the girl as she didn't realize anyone would hear her since it was too noisy downstairs.

"I-...I don't know what you're talking about" she lied.

"Is that so? Because I could swear I heard some sniffling, so I came here to check up on you" he rested his hand on his chin as he stared down at the girl, while she desperately avoided eye-contact. "There's no need to lie, Tsukiyo-Chan. Don't think of me as an elite ten, think of me as a friend. You can talk to me. Did something happen with Kuga-Kun?".

The mention of the boy's name, and the pressure she felt as her eyes went teary again, looking up at the 7th seat, her eyes were begging him to stop asking. Satoshi's cyan eyes widened as he realized that he went a bit too far. Without thinking, he approached the girl and hugged her, Tsukiyo was shocked at first, but eventually buried her face in his warm chest, not refusing the comfort.

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