Chapter 2: The Entrance Exam

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(Y/N's POV)

All the students who applied, including me, stood in a large room waiting for the judge to give us the instructions on what to do.

I thought that this exam will be on paper or something, but I guess I was wrong.

"Good morning, prospective transfers. I am Laurent Chappelle, and I will be supervising your admission exam today" an old, blonde man introduced himself.

I heard faint gasps from around and saw that some of the boys were struck with fear. "W-Why are they afraid of him?? Is he bad news??" I thought, asking myself as I sweat dropped.

"Damn it, why did it have to be him?!", "I've heard of him! He's known as 'The chef that never smiles'!", "If he gives you a bad grade, it's over for you!" I heard whispers.

"Now the first thing I want you all to know is that the moment that you step inside a kitchen, your only responsibility is to make delectable food, despite the capability that you already have" he strictly stated.

I let out a deep, shaky breath as I felt my palms sweat. Okay, okay, (Y/N), pull yourself together! Smile! Be positive! Think positive! Live positive!

"Wait..." I thought, my eyes started scanning the room for a while until I spotted him.

Kuga Terunori...

He stood calmly and with a confident smirk, his hands were buried inside his pockets. My brows furrowed as I remembered when I bumped into him.


"YOU??!!" we said at the same time.

We stared at each other for a good 5 minutes in pure silence. I never really noticed, or hardly remembered because I only saw him once since I was little but...

He looks...really cute!

Although his funny hair's still the same, but I kinda liked the way his hair was styled. And his eyes, despite how intimidating they are, they look captivating and-...

"WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING??!!" I mentally screamed, shaking my head and I felt my cheeks burn.

I quickly got up and dusted myself off before looking at him, "you're that boy who has no friends!".

He gasped in disbelief, "and you're that stupid girl who didn't leave my park! And who the hell do you think you are to say that I have no friends! I have tons of friends!".

"Yeah, your bodyguards!" I hissed.

Kuga growled and his hands formed fists, "you listen to me here, commoner! You stay out of my way, or I'll make your school life a living hell".

He then approached me slowly, eyes never leaving mine as he smirked sinisterly, "and trust me, you don't wanna mess with me".

I stared at him in fear and shock, and then he left me.

*End of Flashback*

"Now, bring the ingredients" the Chappelle guy demanded, and a helper of his pushed a large cart with various fresh ingredients on it. He then grabbed an ingredient, but I couldn't see because of the tall students! Ugh...

"Your main ingredient shall be 'Tofu'. And you will have 1 minute only to cook, no more and no less. Keep in mind that any dish that does not impress me will not be admitted into Totsuki Academy. You may start now" Chappelle-Sensei finished, then sat on a chair with a table in front of him and crossed his arms.

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