Chapter 28: New Residents

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(3rd Person's POV)

After a few weeks of routine-ish of either attending regular classes, or cooking classes, it was winter, and it was time for the 'Advancement Exams' taking place in Hokkaido. Of course, it was like playtime for the council of the elite ten.


It was a hellish nightmare for the other students, as hundreds of them had failed these tough exams, and ended up getting expelled from Totsuki academy.

Ahhh, Totsuki...

Cruel as always!

For Kuga, personally, he was in such relief that his trainee, Tsukiyo, had passed with flying colours. He was anxious for as he knew how harsh Totsuki's trainings can be, although he never had any problems with them.

And months have passed along with the seasons until the new year has come.

Which meant, our heroes are now 2nd years!

Things with Kuga have been going smoothly as the 8th seat of the elite ten, and things have been going great with his trainee, Tsukiyo, as she has rapidly improved in her cooking skills along with the other staff members of the 'Chinese Cuisine RS'.

After the vacation, it was time for the students to return to school, as Kuga was standing near the gate, waiting for a special person. While the other students, especially the girls, were passing by and staring at him in awe, he pretended like they don't exist.

The Sakura leaves danced in the air as they fell from the tree branches, giving that it was now the beautiful season of spring.

"Good morning, Terunori!" a sweet, feminine voice spoke, causing the boy to look to his left.

It was you...

Kuga stared weirdly at you.

For some reason, he doesn't feel upset whenever he looks at you...

Every time you two come across each other, the fire of hatred in his heart had faltered and faltered until it became like a small candlelight. It was like he had no reason to hate you, yet he still doesn't want you to get in his way.

On the other hand, you noticed the rapid change in his behaviour towards you. He wasn't as rude and mean to you like before. In fact, he has become nicer, and more thoughtful. Which made your heart flutter at that.

"Y-Yeah...Morning" he said, stuttering nervously.

"Are you waiting for someone?" you asked, smiling. Kuga glared at you, "Tch, why do you care?".

You shrugged, "I'm just curious".

"Well, it doesn't concern you!" he spat, crossing his arms and looked away. You sighed and frowned. "Alright, I'll see you la-...".

"Fine! Fine! I'll tell you! Now, stop begging!" he suddenly said in annoyance, which made you raise your brows.

"I'm waiting for my trainee to arrive" he said, a small tint of blush was on his cheeks. The smile returned to your lips as you recalled that Kuga said something about having a female trainee.

"Ah, that Hisoka girl? I see that you two had got along together" you remarked. There were times when you noticed that his sudden change in behaviour was because of the girl you never got a chance to know, assuming that she was such a great influence on him.

Kuga sighed in annoyance, "Ugh, where the hell is she?? I should call her". He then took out his phone.

Your phone suddenly vibrated, and you took it out. "Oh, I gotta go, Terunori. Satoshi is calling" and with that, you ran into the academy.

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