Chapter 33: Trainings & Punishments

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(Tsukiyo's POV)

I made my way to the 'Chinese Cuisine RS', boredly sighing as today just another day in school. least I get to spend time with Terunori. I blushed at that thought as I finally reached the top of the RS. The other recruits were training like always, so I went to the changing room, and put on my green chef attire to match the others.

When I walked out, I saw Terunori just getting up with...two empty plates?

"Ah, Tsuki-Chin, you're here. Could you take these plates and wash them?" he said after noticing me.

"Yes, chief!" I quickly took the plates from him. "Your face is a little red. Are you okay?" he suddenly asked with a raised brow, making my eyes widen. "A-Ah, I think it's just the sun! It's too bright outside. Hehe..." I smiled sheepishly, and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, then came out, wiping my hands. "Did you have lunch with someone?" I couldn't help but ask. I don't know why, but it made me feel anxious.

"Hahaha! Yeah, (Y/N)-Chin was here a while ago, and I served her a 'Mapo Tofu'!" he suddenly chuckled. "Oh, you should've seen her face! It was priceless!" he cackled.

"H-Hehe...W-Who's (Y/N)?" I asked, feeling more nervous that he had lunch with somebody else today.

"I told you about her, right? Mochiduki (Y/N). The dumbass forgot her lunch, so I invited her for lunch. Didn't you see her on your way here?" Terunori said, looking at me. I shook my head in response, "I assume she's...the person you really hate?".

He suddenly became quiet, the air in this RS was getting thicker for no reason. I heard him sigh deeply as his back was facing me.

"Who knows..." he mumbled. I was so confused. Before I even got the chance to say anything else, he turned to me again with a smile and started clapping.

"Now, now, now! Let's not waste time in pointless chit chats! Get to work!" he ordered, making me flinch as I felt my legs dragging me to the counter, and started practicing the recipes on the RS's menu.

Only the sounds of chopping, frying, grilling, and kitchen utensils echoed throughout the RS as all the team members concentrated on their cooking skills while Terunori walked between the lines of bald men, eyeing each and every one of them and watching every movement they did like a real professional chef. He would stop every now and then and taste the recipe; if he didn't like it, he would yell at the recruiter, but if he did, then he would tell them how great of a job they had done. But I couldn't focus on my cooking, I was too busy thinking about what Terunori said about that Mochiduki girl, which caused me to have a headache.

"W-Wait, why am I letting this bother me? Could I be-...Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Come on, Tsukiyo! Snap out of it!" I mused, shaking my head vigorously.

Suddenly, I saw a small spoon dip into my food, making me flinch and looked to see Terunori tasting the food. He hummed in question as he glared at me with his eyes that looked like they had fancy wine poured on them.

"Tsuki-Chin...Why does this taste like crap?" he asked, quietly. But I can feel the threatening aura coming out of him as his words had drips of venom that were like poison.

Desperately trying to avoid eye contact, I kept my gaze on the counter. You know, the Sichuan pepper is a lot more interesting to look at! Suddenly, my face was yanked by my chin as Terunori forced me to look at him! Our faces were too close to each other, I could feel his spicy breath that could burn my nostrils! My heart was having a screaming fit, and it was beating so fast I felt like it was about to burst through my chest and run away! My breath was caged inside my lungs like a prisoner who I wouldn't allow to escape as I stared into Terunori's powerful eyes that makes me feel like it's about to shoot fire at me and kill me! I could feel myself slightly shaking but struggling so hard not make. A. Single. Move. Or else he would pounce on me like a predator, and bite me on the butt!

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