Chapter 18: Sweet & Spicy

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(Y/N's POV)

So, after the match against Nene, they announced the topic for the next and last match of the 'Autumn Elections'.

Which is 'Tofu'.

I was kind of surprised because it was the same topic for the entrance exam. Terunori then served the 'Tofu Stir Fry', and mine was the 'Tofu Lettuce Cups'. I wonder what dish he'll cook this time.

Early in the morning, I woke up to get ready and go to the market so I can find me some fresh tofu. Once I got dressed, I grabbed my bag and left my dorm room quietly so I don't wake Satoshi or Fumio-San up.

When I reached the stairs, I slightly jumped at the voice calling me. "(Y/N)?" when I looked back, I saw Satoshi standing right outside his room, rubbing his eye sleepily.

"Oh, sorry if I was noisy, Satoshi" I said, frowning. "What're you doing up so early? The sun isn't even up yet" he stated, approaching me.

"I wanted to go to the market to get some tofu, I'll be trying some tofu recipes today" I replied with a smile. Satoshi's face lit up all of a sudden, and he smiled brightly.

"Oh, that sounds fun! Can I come?" he eagerly asked, which made me giggle. "Sure! Come!" I nodded.

"I'll go get ready!" he said before running back to his room. "I'll be waiting for you outside!" I yelled before going downstairs, and out the dormitory's doors.

The sun has already woken up as the sky was a mixture of blue and orange, slowly brightening up. The cold morning breeze made me shiver a little, and I was glad that I wore my jacket. After a few minutes, Satoshi walked out of the dorm, and we both headed to the market.


Later at the market...

"How much for a kilo??", "These apples look so fresh!", "Gimme that red meat in the back!".

I let out a satisfied breath as I looked around the lively market and the fresh, colourful foods.

"Wow, everything looks so delicious it's making me hungry!" I exclaimed as my eyes sparkled. "You're right, everything here is fresh. And the prices are pretty cheap, too!" Satoshi stated as he looked around as well.

"I'll go check out the tofu, and we'll meet back here later" I informed Satoshi, and he nodded before I walked away.

On my way, I felt content as the market brought me so many memories when I was younger. I used to come here with mom and dad in the morning and help pick out the ingredients for the diner, or just a regular grocery shopping.

I suddenly giggled at a memory that just popped into my head...


I was 9 years old that time.

I woke up early in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. We were planning on going to the market for grocery shopping, and mom made the list before we went to sleep.

So, little dummy me, decided to act all grown up and go to the market herself! After wearing my clothes, I took the money and went downstairs to take the grocery list and left the house while my parents were still asleep.

I gotta admit, it was kind of scary, yet so exciting!

After I reached the market, it was crowded like always and everybody was buying stuff. A huge grin was plastered on my face as I began shopping.

Meanwhile, my parents woke up and mom went to check up on me.

"(Y/N)?" she called, but she didn't find me as the bed was empty. She frowned and thought I was in the bathroom. But no. Which made her more concerned.

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