Chapter 27: Home Visit

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(3rd Person's POV)

In front of a beautiful-looking mansion, stood a platinum-blonde haired girl with wide winter-gray eyes staring at the huge, fancy house.

Kuga's house...

It was the weekend, and the two planned to hang out in Kuga's manor and planned for a sleepover. After getting her parents' approval, of course, not mentioning that she's going to sleep in a boy's house, Tsukiyo had no other problems.


What happened before the weekend...

A few days had passed since the 'Moon Festival', and it was a success for the 'Chinese Cuisine RS' as they had won 1st place at the 'Central Area' for 5 days straight, which Kuga was greatly proud of and kept bragging about it to Eizan and Nene, which clearly pissed them off.

Today, however, was a little different for the platinum-blonde haired girl while she was practicing her dry rice tossing with the other recruits. Whenever her winter-gray orbs gaze at Kuga, he looks away and whistles suspiciously, walking away and pretending to observe the other workers. This has been going on for half of the day.

And as she was walking down the hallway, she felt eyes piercing her from the back of her head and looked back to see someone quickly hiding behind the wall at the end of the hallway. Making her furrow her brows upsettingly.

The mixture of brown and blonde hair which she instantly recognizes made her huff her cheeks as she quickened her pace to get away as soon as possible. Footsteps besides hers have reached her ears as she felt them slowly gain up on her.

And that's when she had about enough of that!

"Damn it, Terunori! Why do you keep stalki-..." Tsukiyo turned as she was going to yell at the boy but was met with another student.

"E-Eh?? What are you talking about? I was just going to my classroom!" the random student said, nervously.

"Oh! I...I'm sorry. I thought you were somebody else" she said, frowning. The student continued running, and Tsukiyo sighed and was about to walk as well.

"Well, that was embarrassing!" she suddenly heard playful cackling from behind her. Quickly turning, she saw Kuga approaching her with a cheeky grin. Making the platinum-blonde haired girl immediately pout.

"Finally! Now, would you care to explain why you've been stalking me and watching this entire time?!" she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Kuga stammered all of a sudden, a tint of blush was on his cheeks as he started playing with his fingers, and avoiding eye contact at all cost. Tsukiyo raised a brow in confusion, but still waited for an answer from the boy.

After what seemed to be a self-debate, Kuga stood straight and inhaled a deep breath, he clenched his hands as his wine-coloured orbs looked straight into the girl's eyes, which made her frown worriedly.

"Ts-Tsuki-Chin..." the boy spoke, the blush on his cheeks reddened by the second.

"...W-Would you like to come to my house this weekend??!".


Which brings us back to now...

Kuga's mansion was surrounded by a brick perimeter wall. There was the big metal gate in front of her, and next to it was a smaller gate. Assuming that it might be for the house staff or something. The outside of the manor was decorated with the green bushes near the large gate.

Tsukiyo rang the bell outside, hoping someone would answer.

"Hello?" a man answered.

"Um, is Terunori here? I'm his friend, Hisoka Tsukiyo" the girl said.

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